OP: Tired for 2 days after sex

In the next day after making love, I feel very tired...even more tired than in the day when it was - I don't have the same concentration power I used to have if nothing had been happened a few days ago.

What can be done to regain the energy?
Can you recommend any diet to speed up this process?

I'm a male!

pumpkin: 09/21/2006

Posted: 23 Sep 05:11


I can understand this happening in the hours immediately after having an orgasm because we become drowsy and sleepy. Even if we get right up and become active, there can be some doldrums--but the next day?? This is unusual. Do you have the same reaction after masturbating or just when another person is involved in the activity?

> Can you recommend any diet to speed up this process?

I dunno...have you tried an energy bar or drink?

I wish I could offer more help. Anybody else have information on this?


Posted: 23 Sep 05:11

Have a glass of orange juice immediately after sex. Or for more sensuousness, share a chocolate bar. Basically, just get some sugar into the system. You might follow that up with a cup of coffee. Does this happen to you when you exercise???


Posted: 23 Sep 05:12

Here are some additional thoughts on the matter:

Go to a health food store and investigate some herbal remedies. It is best to consult with a clerk or owner who has had specialized education in this area and can advise you. Begin your search with the following herbs:

* Ginkgo Biloba / Gotu Kola / Bacopa Monnieri
Stimulates mental performance and memory

* Kola Nut / Green Tea / Guarana
Natural energy boosters

* Ashwaghanda / Korean Ginseng
Improves mental acuity and libido

* Bee Pollen / Eleuthero Root
Increases endurance, vitality, and physical endurance

> This happens only if ejaculation occured, whether is sex, wet dream or smth else.

I hope this information is of help. Gosh! Please do not give up masturbation just because pleasure leads to the doldrums. What a revoltin' devleopment that would be.


Posted: 23 Sep 05:12

I have heard of diabetics having blood sugar drop later after a lot of activity. Have you ever had a fasting blood sugar level done? Does strenuous activity of other types have a similar effect on you? If not then it is probably not that.

Happy Hubby

Posted: 23 Sep 05:12

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