Yes, you could be pregnant. Whenever there is a possibility of cum in some way entering your vagina, there is a possibility of pregnancy. So... make sure he washes his hands thoroughly with soap and water before you do this again! You may also want to consider hormonal birth control. Talk to your doctor or go to your local health clinic. At my local clinic, birth control is totally free and confidential.

By the way, before I started using hormonal birth control, I would get really paranoid that I was pregnant, because my periods were irregular and I didn't always know when I would get it. One month, I had finally gotten my prescription for the ring from my local free clinic, and I was waiting to get my period to be able to start the BC. It seemed like forever! Now, me and my bf had always used condoms, and they never broke (that I knew of), but I still was paranoid that I might be pregnant and that I'd have to get an abortion. So, I went online and researched all the symptoms of pregnancy. I was convinced that I had like 6 out of 10 of the symptoms. And then a couple days later, I started my period. I was so happy to get my period and realize it was all just paranoia! So, don't let yourself be convinced soley by one of those "Am I Pregnant" quizzes. Many symptoms you can have anyway, or you can convince yourself that you have.

It was SUCH a relief to finally get on hormonal birth control. Now I worry so much less about getting pregnant, and I know exactly when my next period will be. I am also using condoms now, and there is so much more security in knowing that even if the condom breaks, I have a backup, and even if the hormonal bc doesn't work perfectly, we have the condom. I came to the conclusion that it is just simply not worth it to engage in sexual activity if you then worry yourself sick the rest of the time that you're pregnant. Not fun!

The best way to tell if you're pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. The earliest ones you can take 5 days before your missed period. You could also go to a doctor or health clinic to get tested. But anyway, if you're not pregnant, I REALLLY recommend using good solid methods of BC, for your own peace of mind if nothing else!

I wish you the best!


Posted: 28 Sep 21:02