OP: sexual addiction studies?

Studies have shown that the endorphin's realesed from orgasm can become an addiction.

This isnt new information to most, we have all heard about people who have compulsive sex addiction to the point where they have started up support group meetings for this.

Im a person who does have some addiction in the family and in my own past. I have gone through phases of heavy masturbation (more than 3 times a day) and when i was single i had a few weekends that i slept with a different woman friday,saturday, and sunday. and went through a phase of being very Co-Dependant on marijuanna

I feel pretty level now, i have a copping mechanism that helps me divert my addictive sexual/marijuanna behaviors and i have been fucntioning on a very normal level.



Posted: 28 Sep 21:36


It is a very real problem and a recognized diagnosis for psychiatrists. Treatment seems similar to most other addicitons.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:36

I think people w/addictive personalities should use one habit to replace the other. I have a bad habit smoking & nicotine addiction, have recently quit, but could only replace one habit (smoking) with another (exercise). Have not found a cure for the shopping thing though! Do you really think wanting to sleep w/different women is a "habit"? Or just poor impulse control? I know a great deal of men who do this...


Posted: 28 Sep 21:37


What do they do for treatment? At what point is a dx made?


Posted: 28 Sep 21:37

An addiction is a perceived need that is so strong or so frequent that it interferes with "normal" functioning. Sex addiction can be lived with one partner or with many. Psychiatrists used call this nymphomania in women and satyriasis in men. Brush up on your Greek mythology!

One needs to learn what price is being paid for all the sex that is needed. This includes time, money, relationships, job performance, whatever. The treatment often follows the 12 step approach used by alcoholics anonymous or similar. An addiction is an addiction and the object of that addiction is only a focus.

Sera addresses addiction replacement above. Good technique for which only a little help is needed. Most addicts lack the will power and need a bit more help.

This is not really my field and you may want to do a search for "sex addiction." The decision comes when the addict realizes that too much of life is being spent on that one thing. Sometimes this comes with a jolt - spouse leaves, job lost, friends disappear, an arrest is made, it makes the newspaper. We are much better off accepting the input from friends than from the local constabulary.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:37

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