OP: Sex on first day of period...

My girlfriend just got off her period today and we got drunk and accidently(kinda) had sex without a condom 3 times.... I pulled out 2/3 times but the second time i went to pull out and she pushed me back in. i was going to go get that emergancy conception stuff but i heard that it's nearly impossibly to get pragnant the day u get off ur period,i mean it was withing 24 hours of her ending it.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:17


I doubt she will. . .
its more difficuilt to get pregnant than people think. I'm not saying that contraception isnt needed!!! Im just saying, most couples who are trying, as in having sex on the dates shes ovulating (two weeks after her period) who are completely fertile and all that dont get pregnant for 3 or 4 tries,
its not impossible that she'll get pregnant but its unlikely.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:19

Well, Emmi makes some good points but let me emphasize the need for protection. If you have absolutely random sex, the chance of pregnancy is about 3%. In mature women with regular periods, the chances of pregnancy near her period are much lower. In younger women who have irregular periods ovulation is also irregular and you never quite know what the likelihood of pregnancy is.

If you have unprotected sex absolutely randomly, you have a 50% chance of pregnancy after 29 "encounters."


Posted: 28 Sep 07:19

I know the post above mine probrably answers this...but I'm still worried...

My love and I showed our affection for one another (sex...for the first time) last saturday (april 29, 2006).
Her period ended the saturday before that (april 22, 2006) and it is now May 6, 2006.
We were unprotected (Mistake!), what are her chances of becoming pregnant?

We are both 18 year olds....and it was both of our first times. Does this make it easier to get pregnant?

Thank you. Someone please post something....I am somewhat freaking out over this. (I have the right to though....right?)


Posted: 28 Sep 07:20

But you could still get pregnant the first time....or it could be 100. I'm sorry, but stats are only a comfort, not a guarantee. If you're worried, use protection, take a test, or get the "emergency pill". I know I'm a bit harsh about it, but I don't believe in thinking you're safe just because a number said so. Taking the consequences of an action is important.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:20

Thank you for replying. We will definatly use protection from now on....we meant to the first time....honestly I don't know why we didn't. Hopefully there will be a next time. And we have decided to not do anything until after her next period....unless she misses it. Which should be for another 2-3 weeks....but shes irregular, which is mainly why shes on the pill anyway.

We bought a pregnancy test but it says that it won't work unless you use it after you've already missed your period.....doesn't this kinda not make sense since missing a period tends to mean pregnancy (ussually)?, And its been a week, can she still take an emergency pill? What kind can or should I get, where can I get it, How much do they typically cost? is it safe? Do we have to wait another week or so to see a doctor? Should she keep taking her pills? (She has been)

I'm somewhat of a pessimist so I always think the worst which can be good in this situation because.....I will do anything to not end this with a pregnancy, because I can't handle a child right now. :(

Thank you so much for helping me out.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:20

Being on the pill is generally considered to be "protected." Do not take emergency contraception on top of the pill. How can she be irregular if she is on the pill?

Clearly neither of you know how the pill works or her body works or much of anything else. Use the next three weeks to get educated. Start with some of the long posts in Brandye's Chick Chat and then get a copy of Our Bodies Our Selves.

You took a big chance and you now have three plus very long weeks to worry about it.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:21

She's irregular because she has only been on the pill a little over a week.

And yes I don't know a whole lot about the pill, at the time I knew that it was basically just a boost of hormones to trick her body into believing its already pregnant thus not being receptive to sperm or maybe it was not releasing an egg? (maybe I'm wrong?) I knew that she has to take it at a certain time of day, everyday, without altering that schedule.

I have read your sticky (about the pill) which is the same thing as the chit chat post I believe, and I have also sent the link to her. I really enjoyed it and it was very, very informative.

I know it was a big chance, I had never done anything like that before (obviously, if it was my first time) and so we kinda rushed into it a little bit, which was wrong, but its over and its happened, so its is something I am going to have to deal with for the next three weeks and maybe longer depending the outcome.

Last question, on a regular menstrual cycle....when is it the easiest to get pregnant, the hardest?

Thank you so much again for each of your time, you both seem very knowledgeable.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:21

if you PLAY you may have to PAY


Posted: 28 Sep 07:22

Wow, thanks for the encouragement.

For me, this situation is quite serious.


Posted: 28 Sep 07:22

Exactly HOOHOO...it is a VERY VERY serious situation ....all the apologies and feeling sorry do not excuse the total disregaurd in name of being in the throws of passion, not thinking, etc...sex as recreation rather than procreation has consequences when poor planning is involved...so I'm not one to sugar coat an answer....even when a couple is married,there are times in their lives where they are not really planning on concieving...and they do and they SWEAT it out like you were...in their case they readily accept it...sex is a beautiful thing to share but it shouldn't be a flippant act...off my soap box...flame suit engaged:)


Posted: 28 Sep 07:22

I had sex with my boyfriend on my period and we didn't use protection because I know it's a slim to none chance of getting pregnant on your period. However, I'm a little concerned because when we were having sex he busted in me. And I keep thinking to myself that doesn't matter because I'm on my period. But the thing is my boyfriend has a high sperm count so I don't know if that can mean anything. So anyway, should be concerned about being pregnant? I doubt that I am. My boyfriend smokes weed everyday lol
I'd appreciate your feedback thanks.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:02

....may i be the first to say what were you thinking? now that that is out of the way, Well the first thing to do is try and play it safe with condoms or get on the pill. another thing you should consider instead of asking us virtual people to tell you if your pregnant is to buy a pregnancy test.
russian roulette with baby juice aint something you really shouldnt do unless you want to risk bringing another life in the world for you or another person.
> My boyfriend smokes weed everyday lol

well im glad one of you has responsibilities... get a test and dont gamble unless you want to raise a child


Posted: 30 Sep 18:03

Having your period does make it UNLIKELY but still possible to get pregnant. Especially if you are a teenager or in your 20's and your periods are irregular. I would suggest getting the Morning After Pill and always use condoms or some other birth control unless you really want to be a mom.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:03

I dont see where weed comes in to play, but even though the odds of getting pregnant on your period is slim to none, there is always that little percentile that says "yup your ego is preggo" You should not only use a condom for protection but because there are all kinds of problems with mixing blood into a penis. He could get infections just like you could get tss from leaving a tampon in too long.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:04

Well thanks for the feedback. Well to answer the first question I have no idea why my boyfriend told me he got his sperm counted. I think he was just joking around to scare me about being pregnant. I am setting up an appointment to get birth control at a free clinic and from what i hear Marijuana can lower your sperm count therefore decreasing my risk of being knocked up. I thought since i was on my period the unprotected sex would be safer. Plus it relieves period cramps and such. Me and my boyfriend aslo refuse to use condoms. they are so uncomfortable. We like it natural. I know I'm stupid for saying that but thats how we feel.


Posted: 30 Sep 18:04

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