OP: Burning feeling from sex

I've spent more time at the Dr's over the last few months than I care to think about. I have a problem thats starting to affect my sex life. Every time my BF and I have sex, the area around my vagina swells up and becomes very sore. It almost feels like burning, and it takes a couple of days to recover from, meaning that we can't have sex more than once every few days purely because I can't bear the pain!

I've been to the Dr's countless times about it, I've had and STD swab done and a diabetes test - both of which came back clear. Every time I see the Dr, she diagnoses me with thrush, which even if it may be the right diagnosis, NOTHING seems to be curing it. This has been going on for months now, and I'm so fed up it upsets me.

Can anyone give me any ideas of what's causing it or how to treat it?? I'd be eternally greatful.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:33


If you are using condoms, it may be a latex allergy. If you are using vaginal spermicide, it may reaction to the detergent. If you are going bare or are the lucky recipient of oral sex, you partner may be constantly reinfecting you. If you douche, you are causing what you are trying to prevent. Other medications, especially anti-biotics, change the balance of the natural organisms in the vagina.

Condoms - use polyurethane rahter than latex
Spermicide - switch to a different formulation (read the ingredients labels
Partner - use a dentist recommended moutwash and maybe talk to his doctor.
Douching - don't; that upsets the eco balance of the vagina and allows yeast to grow
Other meds - check with your doctor

Last resort, see a different doctor


Posted: 23 Sep 23:33

i think you should do some research into vulvodinya (sp) you would be surprised how many ladies out there have been suffering this and get told you have thrush.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:34

I'd agree with everything Brandye said apart from the last part. Changing your doctor shouldn't be a last resort, You shouldn't need a referral to see a obgyn so ask from recommendations from a mate and see a differenet one.

You said you've had it for the last few months, that might help you in eliminating allergic reactions. What's changed recently that could cause it?.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:34

I don't think there is that much that has changed really; I've not changed my washing powder or anything and we haven't suddenly started using condoms. It could be lube I guess, but we were using that before this all started. I do trust my doctor, but this is really starting to annoy me now and I'd love it all just to get sorted out!


Posted: 23 Sep 23:34

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