OP: Getting off of Depo...

How long does it take to have a period after coming off the depo?


Posted: 28 Sep 21:16


It can take up to a year (sometimes a bit longer) to restore a cycle after d/c the depo. If you are off it attempting to begin a family, talk to your gyn since there are artificial ways to restore it w/meds.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:16

Jeez.. no i just wanna get on the pill..


Posted: 28 Sep 21:16

Talk to your doctor. Once the depo is out of your body (3 months), I believe (not certain though) they should be able to start you on the pill. Exactly at what point, I don't know. If the depo is not working (been d/c) you can begin to ovulate at anytime but when this happens? it all depends. I did not use any BC after the depo but I was trying to get pregnant, after 8 months still no cycle so the doctor put me on meds to get it started (fertility meds). So chat with your doc, the options I had won't do it for you! Another option until your body goes back to normal is the barrier methods, diaphram or a cervical cap. The cap worked well for me since it can be put in so far before hand and can stay in quite a while...I only removed it to clean it.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:16

Sera gives you some good ideas on barrier systems although I do not like the idea of simply leaving a cap in place most of the time.

The two overlooked approaches are the IUD and the ring. The IUD does not mess with your hormones and gives about the same protection. The ring puts the least and steadiest amount of hormone in your bloodstream of all the hormonal systems. Talk these over with your gyn.


Posted: 28 Sep 21:17

I was on the depo... for awhile and.. Um.. let's see... it took me 3 months +


Posted: 28 Sep 21:17

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