OP: PMS Anger

Girls, I apologize that you have to go through periods. If I could I wold gladly take the cramping and bloating and all the mood swings...

But why must you be so mean. I know you cant help it, but I guess this is just a rant...cuz my sis and mom are started, my best friends (well my 4 best girlfriends) started or are about to...

I am sorrounded by PMS and its so depressing cuz everyone is so mad, even when I try to help them, like give them chocolates and such when they sit there and say I WANT CHOCOLATE...or cook them meals or get them warm water bottles to ease the cramps....hell I spent like 50 bucks in midol in the last few days.

Anyone have a time machine so I can just shoot forward to the future and be done with this cuz its terrifying.:(


Posted: 23 Sep 23:04


Awww, poor Ducy!! 6 PMSing women at once!!! You may want to buy a helmet and flack jacket LOL

As a woman I can tell you it's totally not intentional, and your kindness is very much appreciated. In fact these women will probably tell their girlfriends how sweet you are when they're like this and get you some good rep LOL. The fact that you're actually shopping for Midol is something indeed.

Hang in there, the storm will be over soon!


Posted: 23 Sep 23:05

I would say just avoid them!! LOL
B/c if you bring them chocolate they'll turn it around and say something about themselves getting FAT! LOL

I myself have easy periods... I don't get cramps.... my friends never really can tell I am PMSing... b/c I am not mean or snappy. The only thing is I get emotional as far as I am always crying when I am watching my soaps... LMAO :D


Posted: 23 Sep 23:05

I know some said taking Magnesium supplements ease the chocolate craving, if that helps you. Not sure of it being truthful or in their heads.

Wait until they hit Menopause! :)


Posted: 23 Sep 23:05

Ducy, Ducy, Ducy.. now you understand the phrase can't live with them can't live without them so much better.

You will learn too that all the women in a house usually all have their periods at the same time, no idea why it's just the way it usually works. Don't go near an all girl dorm!! LOL I lived in one and I, yes chik, doesn't want to go near one.

Midol didn't do anything for me so I didn't spend my money. If they are going thru 50 bucks worth in such a short time is it even helping them? But I give you credit for going out and buying it for them, I know husbands that won't even push a shopping cart with it or any other product in it.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:05

haha thanks guys...yea I got yelled at for bying my friend the wrong tampons...I officially am going into hiding.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:05

I might be a loner when it comes to this but.... I love my period!!!

I feel bad for my bf, poor guy but I just love being a woman, and if that's part of it, then I love it too.

I even love the aisle, the products are so pretty and the scent is refreshing plus the condoms are usually in the same aisle and buying condoms always brightens my day ;)


Posted: 23 Sep 23:06

32 was quite awhile ago, still there is nothing I remember about my periods that I liked nor do I miss. I tell people getting a hysterectomy was one of the best things I ever did, no regrets. I even ended up with a hematoma and spent 5 days in the hospital.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:06

Geez... I am 30 I have never sent my b/f to buy tampons. My mom bought all that stuff for me when I lived at home... but when I moved out... I was a big girl LOL.
I have never "ran out" of items.... when you end your period... you notice have much you have left...and you have a month to pick some up the next time you are at the grocery/Target/Walmart
.... and would never send my b/f to get buy them b/c I know he'd come back with not what I asked for... Hell half the time I stand there a good 5-7 min comparing (like Ducy said) prices/cardboard/plastic/light/heavy......etc.

To me... my period isn't major so it's just more of an annoyance than anything else.


Posted: 23 Sep 23:07

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