Well, at least you got a very treatable one. Chlamydia lives in semen and vaginal juices and can be passed orally, anally or vaginally. It is easily treatable - make certain you take all your medications. The symptoms can disappear but the bacteria may still be present. There are one time drugs but more commonly it is a week's regimen.
Yes, this is a possible manner of transmission. So is vaginal intercourse with a condom. The condom is the best defense if used properly every time but, as with pregnancy, it reduces the chances but does not eliminate them completely. And his going down on her (not mentioned) is another possible route of transmission.
Although some may wish to nitpick me, I tell people that anything that is contagiously genitally is also contagious orally. You were wise to be tested for anything for which there is a test including HIV.
If he is out of your life, let someone else (the doctor treating his chlamydia!) educate him. Feel lots of anger and make certain none turns to guilt. You will live beyond this.
Posted: 28 Sep 00:42