Many prostitutes require the use of two condoms and, yes, it does reduce the risk of tearing. In a study of condom failure in a US brothel (there must be someplace in the west where prostitution is legal), almost all the breakgage was with the same handful of women. They seemed to have had "specialties" that stressed the condoms and they all used two. You should use dry condoms and then add the spermicide to the vagina, usually vaginal jelly.
The "failure" of condoms is less commonly breakage or leakage; it is usally sperm swimming around the open end. Two condoms would make no difference in this case.
If the woman has driness problems, there is not enough spermicidal lube on the condom to make much difference. Vaginal jelly. or at least "personal lubricant," should be placed in the vagina before insertion of the penis.
Posted: 28 Sep 22:35