OP: Chest pains and depression after starting pill...


I finally took the plunge & started taking the pill that was prescribed to me back in March, 7 days ago.

I've experienced a little depression (unusual for me) over the past few days, & noticeable weight gain (already! either the pill is to blame, or I've been eating in my sleep!) - however, this afternoon I also started getting some short bursts of sharp pain in my left rib-cage area, that continued throughout most of the day, but seem to have stopped since I got home from work half an hour ago.

Now, I'm a hypochondraic at the best of times, but I've convinced myself that this could be the formation of a blood clot...would it be possible for a clot to form so quickly after starting to take the pill?

The pain occurs every now & then & lasts for just a second or so, however sometimes when I touch the area it feels like it might be bruised (sometimes it feels normal though!)...should I get an appointment to see my doctor, or am I just exaggerating?! I'm reluctant to stop taking the pill already if it's unnecessary, cos it took me months to build up enough confidence in it to try it out!

I'm on Microgynon 30 & take it at approx 11pm each night.



Posted: 28 Sep 08:28


i would say call your gynocologist first and see if this is a problem that could have been caused by the pill. if it's not from the pill, i would say see another doctor to get that checked out. another possibility is that you just need a lower dosage of bc pills.


Posted: 28 Sep 08:28

Mild depression could set in within this time. In most cases, this disappears after a month or so. It is really quite soon to be experienceing a weight gain. Perhaps some anticipatory thing that has led you to eat a bit of the wrong things.

If you have no history of blood clots or a form of diabetes, the chance of blood clots is extremely low. This increases in women over thrity-five who are smokers.

If you would be more comfortable, talk to your doctor for reassurance. It is not uncommon for a woman to try two or three different pills before adapting well to one. That takes a few months and you must work closely with your doctor on this. Recently, the ring has been acceptable to some women who difficulty on the pill. The ring is a hormonal contraceptive system that works the same as the pill but puts much lower levels of hormone into the blood stream.


Posted: 28 Sep 08:28

Thanks for your replies Orchid & Brandye. I think I just worry too much! I went to an NHS walk-in clinic, told them about my symptoms, they checked me out & referred me to a & e - I was pretty shocked, but they said it was only precautionary.

At a & e the nurses checked my oxygen levels, blood pressure & temperature, gave me a chest x-ray & took a blood test...& it turns out that there is nothing wrong with me, other than a probable soft tissue injury! So now I feel pretty dumb for wasting their time really...& I still have pains in my chest, but these have switched from the left rib cage to the right, & occasionally down my back too, so maybe it's something to do with my posture at work!

& you are probably right about my over-eating Brandye...I think it's time to sign up to the gym!


Posted: 28 Sep 08:29

You may be surprised to learn that most of us in the NHS actually appreciate people taking an interest in their own health. We prefer seeing several "nothings" to a couple invalids.

On to the gym!!! Or join me for 150 miles on a bicycle next week.


Posted: 28 Sep 08:29

indeed, its better to come get a problem checked out while its still relatively easy to fix rather than once its super complicated... again depends on the particular situation...


Posted: 28 Sep 08:29

hello i have been reading through the threads of the pill and i would like to no if anyone could answer my questions

i am a 17 yr old female in a a relationship who is having sex with out condoms (just relyin on the pill) both me and my boyfrind have been tested for STI's and are all clear. I have only been taking the pill for about 2.5 weeks and i have been prescribed the microgynon30 pill.

After reading through the threads i have come to worry myself a little bit...
People have been saying that you should use condoms on the first pack just to ensure you are protected but i havnt i let my boyfriend come inside me within the first week of my pill taking as the packet leaflet said that i would be protected at once! since then i have let him come inside me a few times.
Within the first week or so i had bleeding and it semed as though my period lasted nearly 2weeks is this right? and i sometimes experience bleeding throughout the week but not much.. i understand that i will bleed as this is my first pack and my body is getting ust to it.

On thing i can say about the pill that i am using is that it is making me feel depressed at times, i seemed to feel down alot, and work and just basically anything gets me down... i have read and re-read the info leaflet and it said that depression was a common side effect of it .... dont get me wrong i am not sucicidal ... not at all ...i just feel like i want to burst out crying

and i have astma .... will the medicine in my inhalers effect the effectivness of the pill

and do you think i am staring the pill too young/ what are the health hazards of starting the pill this young for later life?

sorry its a long msg


Posted: 29 Sep 21:38

Some can experience psychological changes when beginning the pill including feeling jittery or anxious or blah as you describe. Give it at least a full cycle on the pills if not change after the second pack talk to your MD. Some are more sensitive to the hormones then others.

Bleeding is normal for some women, it should not continue with the second pack. It's break through bleeding which is fine.

Some MD's recommend one full cycle of the pill before skipping condoms which Brandye states in her threads. It makes sense. Much like yourself my gyn said the same as you noticed if you start the pill during the menstrual cycle you are protected from that point. To err on the side of caution using a condom is recommended for the first pack to be certain your pill is working properly. What is done is done, nothing you can do about it, you followed the instructions and should be fine.

As far as asthma meds, you should be okay from most which I know such as Albuterol & steroid mixes. Check with the pharmacist if you have any doubts. If you get any new meds added, especially antibiotics, check for interactions before you take any and use condoms in the event the pill fails. When the doc prescribes your meds they do check for interactions assuming you told the doc all the meds you take and did not skip any by accident. Meds such as Barbiturates can also decrease the efficacy of the BCP.


Posted: 29 Sep 21:39

Sit down with the nurse at your presecriber's office and a list of all meds you are on and dietary supplements you may be taking. Check all interactions. Those meds that affect any pill generally affect all. Most women do require an adjustment period of a few cycles to determine if they are having unacceptable side effects. Generally, I recommend a full cycle until stopping other forms of contraception. Many of the pill pamphlets recommend one week.


Posted: 29 Sep 21:39

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