Thank you for the additional information.
In addition to what has already been mentioned, I believe you can be of great value by giving the girls a value system to aspire to and live by. Neither has the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions predicting what will happen if they decide to have intercourse. The limit must be instilled in them to have boundaries and to stop making out at foreplay, be it a hand job and/or oral--and, this should be age appropriate.
Personally, I do not believe teens should date as couples until at least seventeen. They just do not have the emotional and mental maturity. Shucks, the average teenage relationship lasts only four months, and then it is on to the next person for four and so on. Emotions run hot in both girls and boys and they can be passionately in love and then hating the other person and breaking up. Fifteen y/o teens should be group dating and have supervision.
I said earlier that scaring the older girl is not what I would do, however I've had time to reconsider this and if it comes down to having sex or else "because I love him" then I believe any girl should be scared straight by the facts of life, meaning how her future can likely change, her plans, and not being financially or mature enough to raise another person.
Mother Nature plays a cruel trick on us, giving us the ability to create life at an early age, yet not developing our brain sufficiently for the responsibility for another eight to ten years. And, if this isn't torture enough, giving us run away hormones that drive our actions and emotions.
Let the girls know that they can come to you at any time with any problem or concern. Let them know that while you may be upset with them that this is much better than having no support at all from not talking to you.
Posted: 04 Oct 02:45