It can be difficult if you do not live in a major metropolitan area. If you do live in a city, you can often find information on the Gay community either through underground newspapers, web based info on the community, and community health resources.

There used to be Newsgroups that had personal ads by Area Code. Subscribe to the Newsgroups if you do not already and see if they are still there.

I do not know about Craigslist; however, there are a multitude of dating sites on the net, just Google them. As with any dating service, you have to be both cautious and discrete. If you meet someone by correspondence, continue with this for awhile before kicking it up a notch and using the telephone. If you begin with an initial telephone call, continue with this for awhile to see how much compatibility there might be and to begin a determination of just how legit the other person is.

If you want to continue, the next step is to meet in a neutral setting. A restaurant is always a good place because the door swings both ways and it is easy to say thanks but no thanks and graciously leave. Some cities have Gay meeting places like a bookstore for example. I'd stay away from bars!

If the meeting goes well, then talk about what you want. I believe it is foolish and irresponsible to just jump in the sack with some unknown person without first getting to know them and having a medical check out so both of you know the other has a clean bill of health. If this first meeting does not go well, well, then you had a nice dinner and conversation and all was not lost.

How are these relationships? Just like any other. You pays you money and you takes you chances. Sexual orientation aside, people are people and when meeting and dating, expect the same things to happen--or not.

As for your comment on being married, I find it curious that a married man would want to go out and have sex with someone (male or female) outside the marriage. Most men would be enraged and hurt if their wife had a one night stand or an affair with someone. If you are that curious then get your wife to agree to a MMF fling; or, get a divorce and play the field for real.


Posted: 30 Sep 07:12