Whilst many brands and shapes of IUDs (or IUContraceptions) exist around the world, most are T-shaped and are in three basic forms: inert, copper coated and progestin (hormone impregnated). All are about equally effective but the copper seems to have a slight edge.
The copper IUD looks like, and functions as, the others but has the additional properties of copper being a powerful spermicide and they also cause a thickening of the mucous of the cervical os given sperm difficulty in swimming into the uterus. The secretions, not really inflammation, are not only thick but are also spermicidal and reduce the ability of a fertilized egg to implant.
Inflammation is not quite the correct word but you and the doctor are both generally correct. Confuse is not the right word either.
The hormone impregnated IUD is so done to reduce the side effects of spotting and difficult periods. The hormone does little for contraception. The oldest of all, the inert IUDs, simply float around in there and prevent the egg from implanting.
The modern copper Ts are good for about ten years; hormone treated, 5-7; and, inert will last forever. A woman should discuss the choice with the doctor and my understanding is that inert IUDs are not available in the US market. In Europe, we have many manufacturers making all three types. The IUD is the most common contraceptive in China and is available all three ways. In the US, there are two manufacturers: one making copper and one making hormone.
Posted: 30 Sep 03:11