i've got you beat. i'm 23. male. never had sex, never been kissed, only been on one date (went poorly) have no self confidence to get dates, women never talk to me, and i'm completly baffled and unsure of whether i'm ACTUALLY unappealing or if it's all in my head. (if you honestly don't know what the problem is, it's tough to correct it)
and frankly IT SUCKS. i'm not going to sugar coat it by any means. it's a hard way to go through life. if you make a conscious decision to wait to have sex or whatever, then that is great, you have willpower and are secure in who you are. however it is the presence of that choice that allows the voluntary virgin to be happy with thier situation. take away the person's choice, and shackle them with social anxiety or low self esteem, brought by any number of factors, abusive past, physical deformity, not being "cool" in high school, clinical depression. and the thrill of self determination felt by the voluntary virgin is replaced by the involuntary virgin's feeling of "nobody loves me" inadquacy .....i live this every day and am very familiar with this phenomenon. i in total complete honesty, am a very sad person, not "pathetic" sad, but Emotionally sad. just unhappy, lonely and feeling like my youth is slipping away. the sad feeling is always there, sometimes it gets pushed into the background but it never leaves. i'm feeling this right now, i felt it yesterday, and barring meeting the woman of my dreams sometime before tommorrow morning i'll feel it then too. it's not so much the lack of sex per se that upsets me, it's the line of logic that surrounds it: hmmmm people have sex with other people that they like or are attracted to, so if no one wants to have sex with me, no one must like me or be attracted to me. and it's this revelation that is the cause for dismay. same thing with kissing, and getting dates, when you can't get these things you start to wonder "why not?"
i wish i wasn't such a socially awkward introvert, but hey, that's how i turned out, here i am. now what?
there is something depressing for the individual who feels that thier virginity has been imposed upon them. whether we blame ourselves
("why am I so stupid/ugly/boring/shy/wierd/nerdy/such a loser?!") or some nefarious higher power (fate/God/karma/the world/the cool people hate me!") it's a really tough thing to face everyday.
but unfortunately we shy people have to pick up some of the slack too, and do a little legwork on our own if we ever want to meet anyone. ultimately we are the masters of our own fate. i'm not doing this yet, i'm still trying to "psyche myself up" to the point where i can interact with people, it's a very hard first step, but i know i need to take it, which is better then where i was before. one of these days i might just wake up and say "F*** this, i'm going to ask out five women today, if i get shot down who the hell cares, then worse case scenario, i'm back where i was before, but at least i tried."
the important thing to remember is that there are plenty of us who are just like you. so in reality you are not really "wierd" or the "only one"
in fact for all we know there are more of "us" then there are of the "regular people", i mean most of us really shy people don't go out and socialize in public very often...(i know i don't ) so we may actually be the majority!
but seriously.....
i can't say for sure that it gets better or easier, but everyone who has been here before says it does. i guess i'll take thier word for it.
there is a russian proverb that can be applied here -"hope is the last to die"
Posted: 01 Oct 22:40