The best rule of thumb is that women should have their first gyn exam by the sixteenth birthday. This will fall into most nation's criteria for administering HPV vaccination and is sooner than most women become sexually active. Good time to have both done.

Placing this by age rather than activity also removes the stigma of gyn exams as being part of screwing around. Most sixteen year old women are close enough that they have an interest in what the doctor has to say and yet are not likely to go out and put the new knowledge to use for the sport. The exam is more educational (with most doctors) than physical. The proper position of main parts is determined and possible difficulties with intercourse can be identified and corrected. Better before than after a failure that stays with the woman forever.

There is a sticky in women's health on the first gyn exam. Read it. The link danding doc gave you is quite good and says pretty much what the sticky says. The sticky is followed by discussion that makes it a bit richer.


Posted: 23 Sep 09:11