I Thanks for the response, but I don't know how comfortable I'd feel seing a doctor about this. It didn't blead shocking amounts, it wasn't flowing out of me or anything (!) just more than the spots of blood in the past, and enough to make us concerned.
On Sunday and to lesser extents since then, I have been experiencing painful stomach cramps, similar to those I get when on my period but more extreme and more random, since my period isn't due till the end of this week, and to get such pains a week early concerns me. I've also been getting dizzy more frequently, but this is more likely due to the heat at the moment (not used to it in england!)
has anything similar happened to anyone else?
Is there some online source of medical reference i could refer to rather than visit a doctor, to avoid wasting my GP's time if it turns out to be nothing?
I didn't tell my mum about the bleeding, but she said the pains could well be down to stress (I'm undergoing a period of exams at the moment). Is this possible?
May the pains and bleeding be unrelated? I didn't feel any pain during or directly after the bleeding, in fact i didn't realise i was until my boyfriend noticed.
Wow, a lot of questions there. Any help or response of any kind would be very very much appreciated
Posted: 01 Oct 22:06