This is to be expected when one or both individuals have little or no experience and/or no practical knowledge. This can change when both parties are interested and motivated to know and to do better. If your hymen was torn in that encounter you should expect some discomfort, although, when the membrane heals the pain should go away.
Additional discomfort can be encountered when a guy is rough or if the vaginal opening is not pliable.
It may be that you and your boyfriend like each other yet there is no "chemistry" and so the pheromones do not flow between you. On the other hand if there is sufficient chemistry it may just be that the information in the novels is working on your imagination in a way a real live human is not. Question: How do you react to your own fantasies?
If you and the guy have great chemistry and by that I do not mean an intense liking for each other, but more fundamental, then it seems to me that the feelings you want will probably happen with some enlightenment and experience on his part as well as your own.
Whatever works, although, I would recommend experimenting with fingering the clitoris and labia in various ways using the lightest of touch. It will take some time to retrain brain, although I think the time and effort will be rewarding in the long run.
I don't know...I feel like I'm not normal. I even tried letting my boyfriend watch me touch myself once or twice, but nothing. Basically, I can get myself off when I'm alone, but with my boyfriend, nothing happens.[/quote]
Perhaps it is time for a different boyfriend. Dating does not begin and end with the first warm body that expresses an interest in us. Dating is ongoing and non exclusive. If you want to give this relationship some time to mature a bit and for the two of you to be comfortable with each other then go at this with more emphasis on making out than having sex. If after a couple of months the situation remains the same, then consider moving on. This does not imply that there is something wrong with him, only that the two of you are not compatible in a way you would like.
Posted: 23 Sep 20:47