Hi...ok, you're probably not going to like hearing this, but here goes: He knows you love him, he knows you're not going to leave him, so he dosn't care anymore! He's become lazy, with himself and with his relationship with you.
There's no way he can belive that when he looks at himself in the mirror that he looks sexy for you - because he probably donsen't care if he's sexy for you anymore.
Anyone who's gained or lost weight knows the pain (or joy) that comes with looking at jeans that used to fit.
To be even more blunt, do you think if he was single he'd have let himself get fat? Of course not. If you left him tomorrow, after the initial feelings of anger and depression, he'd be in the gym tyring to look good to attract another woman - so why won't he do it with you now?
Also, know that this may also be an indication of other habits later down the road. From work to bills to other obligations, if he doesn't have the basic self respect needed to keep himself in shape - if not only for himself, but the ones he loves - what will he be like in a few years.
Now, you can either be direct, or indirect. Sounds like your direct method hasn't worked well...so, try this!
STOP BUYING FATTENING FOOD! If you live together and do the grocery shopping, only buy healthy foods. Now, don't go crazy and get only tofu, and dried fava beans (smile), but instead, buy more fish, chicken, low fat foods, Skim milk, etc. There are TONs of sites online that can give you direction on what to buy!
This way, when he goes in for ice cream, or snacks, he sees LOW FAT choices! Trust me, he'll eat them and you'll see how you can adjust behavour slowly.
Posted: 30 Sep 22:41