OP: Heavy Discharge

hi, I would love help with a problem I've been having for over a year now. I notice that I get constant yeast infections. I went to have it checked out, and my doctor told me to do certain things, like wash my underwear separately, use unscented, mild soaps, I was also put on medication. The thing is that, I haven't noticed a big difference. I even went to get tested for STDs or HIV, which were negative. Am I missing something or is my body reacting to something else? This problem has made me so uncomfortable about having sex. I'm married but my attitude towards sex has changed (for the worse) since I started having these regular infections. I hate the idea of my husband performing oral sex on me since I always feel self conscious and just want to get sex over with. This has really taken a toll on my self esteem as well as my sex life. Do you have any advice or suggestions on what else I should try?


Posted: 23 Sep 20:45


A friends gf once had a problem with constant yeast infections and they found that it was from exercising with a thong.


Posted: 23 Sep 20:45

Your doctor needs to look a bit further. For instance, the human mouth is a great environment for the yeast. I helped one woman with a similar issue by having her husband use Breathrx mouthwash.

There is some source of the yeast that you have not yet discovered. Might be his mouth; might be something else. Any recent changes in diet or supplements you are taking? Have you been on anti-biotics for other issues? Anti-biotics kill bacteria and the bacteria love yeast - for lunch. Explain to your doctor what this really doing to you and see if she can be more aggressive in treatment.


Posted: 23 Sep 20:45

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