The pre-ejaculate fluid is produced by the Cowper's Glands, also known as Bulbourethral galnd. These are two small glands at the base of the penis, downstream from prostate. During sexual arousal these glands produce what you are calling the pre-cum. For a century it was believed that the purpose of the pre-ejaculate was to neutralize the acidity of both the man's uretnra and the woman's vagina allowing a healthier environment for sperm. The quantity of this fluid produced, however, is insufficient to accomplish this. It is now thought that the fluid is actually a lubricant allowing the semen glob to travel more easily out the urethra. It does also clean out the urethra of urine, old semen and sperm that may be there from earlier ejaculations.
This fluid, itself, contains no sperm But in the male reproductive tract there is always sperm present, especially during sexual arousal. The same care should be taken to avoid the pre-ejaculate entering the vagina as semen itself. In other words, condom on before progressing very far in foreplay in proximity to your partner.
As with any gland in the body, some men produce more and some less of this fluid. You can be quite certain that you are producing it, only in smaller amounts than become noticeable. I have seen men who drip a bit and been with men who show no sign of it. One way to find out is with a willing partner. The pre-ejaculate does have a characteristic flavor. Most of us have never noticed, both because we are not looking for it or because the semen comes shortly thereafter and that is all that is tasted. Ask you partner to perform oral promising to warn well before you are about to ejaculate (but after you feel that you are getting close). She can then stop and firmly press the flat her thumb on the bottom, base your urethra and rub upwards to the tip. If she has tasted or seen even a tiny drop, it will be the Cowper's fluid. That is fairly definitive. If she tastes nothing, that only indicates that you have not produced enough for it to have left your urethra. The first "event" of the evening will produce the largest amount.
In the meantime, not to worry. Accept that you are producing some, just not much.
Posted: 23 Sep 08:43