OP: Guilt about arousal

Whenever I masterbate, watch porn or really do anything sexual with or without my boyfriend there I feel really dirty afterwards. I don't know if I feel guilty because it's supposed to be a sin and I was raised baptist, or if it's just something people don't usually talk about so I feel awkward about it. Does anyone else feel this way? Or is it really just me?

sexxxlove 01/02/2012

Posted: 23 Sep 09:14


Here you will find people discussing openly much more ribald topics than masturbation. Well over half of all women masturbate with some frequency. You are suffering from religious hangover having been taught for so long that "nice girls don't touch themselves down there" or some such. I was raised in the most sexually repressed part of Europe in the Hebrides and somehow lived through it, probably because my mother was much more open than most. And, religion was not a major factor for our family; we went through the motions because it was expected by society.

Regrettably, many women feel the same as you and that is one reason that about a quarter of use never, or rarely, experience orgasm. There is some wonderful literature from the active days of the Women's Movement that changed many women's thinking about their sexuality (and shocked much of society). Fear of Flying, Speedboat, The Women's Room, Looking for Mr Goodbar. All good reads and all are stories of relief from sexual repression. If you are a reader, try them.

Remember that without sex several billion of us would not be around! Religions that emphasize the beauties of parenthood but the evils of sex are a bit less than rational.


Posted: 23 Sep 09:14

Off the topic, but I had a moment of synchrony with you, Brandye, when I saw your mention of Erica Jong's "Fear of Flying." My son and I were looking through our bookshelves for some titles from his reading list for next semester and I came across my copy of "Fear of Flying." Erica gave it to my late wife and I over a lunch we shared together with my late father-in-law, also a well-know novelist, in the summer of 1978. She'd brought her newborn daughter Molly to the lunch, and we asked Erica if and when she'd ever allow Molly to read her hot best-seller. She answered without hesitation, "I'm not going to let her even date until she turns 30!" Even the sexually liberated Ms Jong had hang-ups regarding sexuality, it would appear...! However, for women needing some sexual encouragement, it's quite perfect.


Posted: 23 Sep 09:15

I used to be the same way. Even up to just a year ago as a married man with kids. If I ever did and thought of "other women" or whatnot especially. The married part had an additional mental stigma of that I was somehow wasting my sexual energy alone instead of with my wife. And she would feel like she wasn't "doing her duty" if I had to resort to it. Nothing is further from the truth, for either side.

Now I'm well beyond all that. I just have a much higher drive for sex than my wife. It's pretty much a given that I will once or twice a day as I desire. This is not to her exclusion, rather additional over our relationship needs. Maybe some day she'll catch up to me, maybe not, but I do this to keep myself in check. Would I rather have more sex or help from my wife? Sure! I'd much prefer my needs be met by her, but I can't make her do that. It's her decision. So my option B is masturbating. This option B is much better than an option C, cheating.

I'm not meaning it to sound like it's a pressure valve that I'm releasing just to keep me safe from destroying my marriage. It's enjoyable, and I'm not hurting anyone by keeping it alone.

Sorry, I only slept 3 hours last night, so I think I'll just stop rambling. :)


Posted: 23 Sep 09:15

Back to bed with you, Firmus! LOL


Posted: 23 Sep 09:15

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