Such is life and growing up and maturing. These multiple dates will be easier to handle when you are older, have more options, a car, and a large area in which to do things.
You have every right to be cautious, now, because girls talk, and some tend to snoop, more out of curiosity than anything. Privacy? Well, if you want privacy, leave your cellphone locked in the glove box, and, stop with all the social networking venues. Shucks! back before computers, most parents limited their kids to twenty minutes an evening on the phone, and we communicated with friends by talking--not texting every ten minutes.
Of what great benefit is it to you and others who have Facebook accounts, etc., to have to let everybody know what you are doing minute to minute? It's juvenile stupidity.
If you don't want people in your business, get rid of the conveyances that allow them to be. I don't have any of these social networking accounts and get along just fine with an occasional E-mail, and telephone call. I do not need a minute-to-minute UPdate of what certain people have been or are currently up to. My recommendation is to turn all this stuff off or delete accounts, go thru withdrawal and then join the rest of the world in having a "life".
Not really unless I've forgotten something between then and now. The trouble as everybody perceives it is that dating means exclusivity; therefore, if you are seen in the company of two or more girls, then you must be cheating. [COLOR="red">WRONG[/COLOR]! Dating should not begin and end with the first warm body who expresses an interest in us, nor should dating necessarily be about one person. Dating is all about learning about others, and, what we like and dislike about their personalities, likes, dislikes, characters, etc., and enjoying the pleasure of each other's company while doing so.
If a boy and girl decide to go out with one another, then set boundaries--meaning we are not in a closed exclusive relationship and are free to date others. That we do not choose to is just fine. You then have exclusivity by consent and without it being declared and restrictive. The only girl I dated "exclusively" was my high school sweetheart. Every other young woman from college on up was open. That we chose to behave as if it was not eliminates all the trials, tribulations, angst, pain, drama, and trauma.
So what if you are seen about town in the company of others? If your relationships are open and non-exclusive, it doesn't matter one hoot! I just do not understand why the younger generation does not understand this age old concept.
One more reason to make your relationships with each of these girls an open one. If they cannot handle this then they are too insecure and immature to be with you or any other guy.
All this said, so what if you happen to run into one of your girlfriends. Each one is a friend who is a girl and that you go on dates with in order to have fun, be able to have a relationship, and, more chances for same.
Posted: 08 Oct 22:03