OP: Stereotypes about female domination: what prevents acceptance?

What stereotypes about femdom most often interfere with its acceptance?

Posted: 18 Feb 12:35


I think one of the most common myths is that femdom always means humiliation and pain. I for one believe the opposite, that it means pleasure and enjoyment. I like to watch videos https://femdom-pov.me/princess-violette-gay/ where men get pleasure through domination and femdom, which makes them experience these feelings fully, because what can be better than pure pleasure. Many successful and confident men choose femdom because they enjoy the balance of power, not because they can't be leaders in life. I'd like to try it in real life, too. The more diverse examples available to the masses, the faster the myths will disappear.

Posted: 18 Feb 15:29

The question is a really complicated one. It seems to me that stereotypes about femdom come largely from a lack of information. If a person has never experienced it, he or she will judge by movies, rumors or personal perceptions. And there, of course, everything is exaggerated. Therefore, if someone is interested in the topic, it is better to study it from reliable sources and communicate with people who know about it.

Posted: 18 Feb 17:42

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