Sure. There are forty or so different pills available. Some are clones of others but there are about thirty different formulations. Getting women balanced on any of them can be tricky. Look at the number of posts here from women who have lost their sex drive or become extremely moody. If you are switching around on the pills, some of them work a bit differently and will increase the likelihood of bad side-effects.
The vast majority of patients for whom I have prescribed do well on the first or second pill they try. But if you are using "borrowed" pills, your doctor is at a loss for what is working and not working. From the formulation we can almost predict the side-effects. If we do not know what all you have been using, we do not know how to correct for the side effects.
Using the pills and then the morning after pill, you do not, at this point, even know what your menstrual cycle is. That is why I recommend you get with a doctor and start over. You need a base date for starting and you do not have one. Using borrowed pills, you have not had a proper exam and history. There are past things in some patients' medical histories that may lead a doctor to recommend one or another, or perhaps none, pill.
If you were losing your eyesight would you borrow pills from a glaucoma patient? If you lost all feeling in legs, would you ask a friend? You are messing with your endocrine system and serious things can happen. Pregnancy is one; depression is another; circulatory problems are more common on the pill than off.
Posted: 28 Sep 00:19