YUP, what they said.
Relationship experts generally recommend spending time alone after a separation, breakup, or death, in order to become one with yourself, again. How long? This depends on the length of the previous relationship but certainly a few months to even a year or longer on the other extreme.
Next, please do relax, breath, smell the proverbial roses, him, yet hold your emotions in check. There is an article listed in the Index regarding when to say "I love you". Just like teenage phases, relationships also have phases and jumping into "love" at five months may be premature, maybe not.
Trust is a matter of concern as is self confidence and esteem and all have discussions listed in the Index. You can also do an advanced search on each of these to read previous discussions.
> The problem is that I don't know where our relationship is heading,and I am scared that he is becoming bored with me.
1. What indications has he demonstrated that makes you think he is becoming bored? If you can honestly say "none", then my recommendation is to proceed using "Implied Consent" (see Index) meaning that if he has not implied boredom--do not presume facts not in evidence.
2. If you do not know where the relationship is headed, then first, at this early stage, just enjoy the ride and smell the roses. Five months is a bit too soon to anticipate a specific direction.
Take this time and the next several months to learn about each other. Have you read any of my writings regarding dating and what it should be about? You can read all about this in articles in the Index. Here is the short version:
The two of you should be learning about each others--
* character
* morals
* values
* social skills
* manners
* mannerisms
* likes
* dislikes
* hobbies
* religion
* behaviors
* food preferences and meal planning
* children
* bank and savings accounts
- debts
* etc., et cetera, etc.
If you are taking all this initial feel-good stuff that both of you are trying desperately to impart on the other as love, then you have much to learn. You two are still in the "honeymoon" stage; wait a few more months until the relationship matures and you are not going overboard to please--just get on with day to day activities and each others moods.
As for knowing where your relationship is heading, tell him where you expect it to go and see if he leads it thataway over a reasonable length of time you are willing to give him. If not, well, ask him why not, followed by the need for you to make a decision.
Posted: 09 Oct 02:57