OP: The 8 Rules. Please read before posting...

1) Be nice to everyone and respect other cultures/backgrounds. You can be nice while having opposite perspectives...

2) Don't feed trolls. If a post is out of line, please report it...

3) Don't start duplicate topics... Please use the search page to find the best topic to add to before starting one.

4) Create very meaningful titles and choose your forum carefully... "I need help" is not going to be useful to people trying to respect rule #3.

5) Don't group a bunch up topics into a post unless they are related to one specific issue... This prevents you from being able to follow rule #4... and ends up in a very messy thread that won't be as beneficial to people coming after you.

6) Please do not change topics in existing posts... This interferes with rules #3, #4 and #5.

7) Please be mindful of your writing... Spelling mistakes, WRITING IN CAPS, using no punctuation and other crimes against language are unpleasant for others to read... (If English isn't your first language, don't sweat it, just try your best...)

8) Do not spam your own / your clients' projects... Any post with a link will be flagged for review before it is published.

Posted: 15 Nov 02:33



Posted: 07 Nov 03:37

Posted: 07 Nov 03:37

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