I'm in the same boat as you. I love my man a lot but we've had some bumpy spots along the way... I am the wrong person to ask if he'll change. I just hope that my guy will. Hope can only get you so far though when (IF) the time comes that you catch him cheating. Because then what do you do, hope it's the one and only time? Ish.. these darn men. In one sense you want to love and be with him, but on the other end you don't want to get hurt. It's a matter of discussing things with him, see how he feels, and ask him straight out how much he loves you and if he can be devoted only to you. I went through that and thankfully he was honest and told me he'd do his best to try. I'd rather hear a straight 'no I will not cheat' but at least he was honest. It's not fun but the wondering ends. and it gives you a foundation to work on. Maybe he'll start to think "hey, I really do love this woman" and think before he acts. But then again, do you want to take that risk of him needing to stop and think about it? I told ya, I'm not one to talk on this subject. Just thought I'd share similar situation and tips.
Posted: 30 Sep 22:43