OP: Sleep masturbation after great sex?

Last night my wife and I were making love, I tried a new technique for oral on her, she had the most erotic orgasm of her life, afterwards we fell asleep and less than an hour later I was awakened by a slapping noise, she was asleep, but she was tapping her vag, and appeared to have another orgasm. She does not remember this what so ever, and she is really embarrassed about it, I've heard strong orgasms sometimes last a while after intercourse, could this have carried over into her dream state? And has this happened to anyone else


Posted: 23 Sep 09:06


Women have erotic dreams similar to men's though likely not as frequently. Men's are often triggered by the need to release stored up semen and, because men constantly produce sperm and semen, when storage capacity is exceeded a wet dream will result. For women, it is not a physiological imperative but a psychological process. We most commonly awaken at orgasm but it is possible to sleep through it. Many of us have awakened on the verge of orgasm - sometimes spontaneously and sometimes actively masturbating.

Your wife may have had a particularly intense experience and was experiencing an echo or reenactment and become actively involved with self-stimulation. Nothing to be embarrassed about! It is also possible for women to finish themselves off after not quite complete release with or without orgasm. Masturbation can be quite discrete for us with the motion of only a finger or two and not disturbing our partners. Also nothing to be embarrassed about. Many of us have done it.


Posted: 23 Sep 09:06

Thank you for responding brandye, also last night which would be the night after this experience, she didn't want to have sex in fear of a repeat episode, how would I handle this situation, keep in minds I was extremely turned on about what she was embarrassed about and ready for more...


Posted: 23 Sep 09:06

I would be seeking a repeat performance! There are some deep seated old messages about sex that are speaking to her that need to be overcome. To add to the previous response, there are some physiological factors that could act as causative. Following orgasm these is a resolution phase in males and females. Sexual arousal involves tensing of muscles and engorgement with blood of various tissues, in the genitals, with blood. The inner lips, for instance, blossom and open and usually turn a brighter pink as the clitoris becomes erect. The larger muscles of the pelvic floor similarly become engorged. The resolution stage following orgasm includes relaxation and outflow of blood. If the relaxation or flow of blood is not complete, renewed arousal may occur, even in sleep. She likely had incomplete resolution and her still slightly engorged bits remained in a state of arousal.

There have been times that I have experienced completely satisfactory sex but still have a sense of "not quite satisfaction." I simply wait for my partner to fall asleep, assuming he has been satiated, and do myself. Also, the time that I most enjoy being entered is right after orgasm, usually by oral stimulation. At that time, muscles are relaxed, lubrication is at the maximum, he can slide right in without pumping a few times, it feels wonderful. Then the motion of the penis in me functions like a massage both dissipating the collected blood and further relaxing muscles that have been so tense shortly before. Following this, I am satisfied almost always and he has had a good reception.

Point here is that she is dealing with very normal physiological effects of good sex and certainly should not be embarrassed. Other times, many women have had the experience of awakening in a lather to the point they immediately masturbate. I have even awakened with my right middle and ring fingers already at work.

If she understands that men have erotic dreams, getting erections and even reaching ejaculation she needs to understand that we women are sexual as well and there are very normal physiological and psychological factors that can precipitate the reaction she had. Most of us would love to have that more often! Repeat, Repeat, Repeat! Show her this response.


Posted: 23 Sep 09:07

I always pleasure her first with lips, tongue, hands and fingers through multiple climaxes and finally orgasm, this particular time, through research I learned about the tendons above the anus, pressing downward inside her vagina while licking her like an ice cream lick, followed by g spot stimulation, She had a very big uncontrolled orgasm, afterwards i entered her and like you say extremely wet and soft, that feels so wonderful, she had another orgasm before I was complete with mine. Last night when she didn't want to out of fear of the unknown, I was pretty hurt, sad, confused, as though I did something wrong. So here I was naked in bed hoping for a repeat performance when she informed me of not wanting to do again, and sorta felt left hanging, very aroused, with no outlet. She works midnigh shiftt tonight so another night with sex...I can't get out of my mind how turned on and excited that made me when it happened. Do you have any advice for me?


Posted: 23 Sep 09:07

Tel her exactly what it did for you. Help her understand that sexual satisfaction is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.


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