Crab Position


aka: Crabby Rodeo, Italian Chandelier

The Standard variation of the Crab family has both partners aligned the same way, and is the best suited of the family for a little titty time. Getting into the position is probably easiest by starting out in Rodeo and having the woman recline, as it may a little tricky for some to enter afterwards. With the crab posture being rather taxing on a woman's upper body, men should do what they can to help lift her by the hips, as well as thrust from below for increased penetration range.

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Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 799

(T$"C8q-) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:24

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 555

(lZ?+Pqq) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:15

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 311

(W8YZ_kv) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:02

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 67

(,2()|uT) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 05:52

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

This is a great position for long slow fucking. I prefer it with the girl further back so she's resting on the bed, we clasp hands and thrust against each other. Can go for hours like that as long as we're relaxed and well fed...

Posted: 25 Oct 20:44

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

My husband and I have only done this one a couple of times, but we both love it, especially when we both lean up a little and go at each other! It feels so good to feel him come in and out!!

Posted: 25 Oct 20:43

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

My man and I have tried this both this way and reversed. It does feel amazing both ways, but we can never do it for very long... time to start hitting the gym!

Posted: 25 Oct 20:42

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

we did this a couple of hours ago actually had a neighbour nearly kicking the door to tell us to shut up!

Posted: 25 Oct 20:41

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

The further the girl goes back the deeper it goes!

Posted: 25 Oct 20:41