Hey Brandye!
Which part am I wrong about? I didn't really say I had any position at all on the matter except to say:
"Personally, I see no reason to call women sluts. Then again, after reading this, I see there are at least *some* arguments that could be made. If nothing else, the whole question of skill. A woman just needs to say yes or alternatively just ask, a man has to do a whole lot more. "
If you're saying that a man does not have to do a whole lot more to get laid than a woman, well, I'll just laugh that one off. If you mean to say that I agree with what was said, well, I don't agree with women being called "sluts." I do however see some of the rational behind it (as presented in the arguments above).
You've probably had as many partners as I have (let me check the list, ah yes...) 26 or 27 (I have a double entry and I can't recall if it's the same woman). No harm to my psyche yet! :D
Of course, I just started having sex about 3 years ago now (and I'm mid 30's). So I guess I'm a bit more mature. TO prove my point about how hard it is for a man to have sex, only 2 of my partners weren't pay for play.
Pretty sure a woman of average attractiveness could have 30 different sex partners in 30 days if she put her mind to it. If she's very attractive, she could do 30 in 1 week (if her body was up for the challenge) and maybe even 1 day (in the right setting).
As for the harm to female's psyche's, I wonder if it's a chicken and egg thing. If there was no such concept of "slut" would women be harmed by having so many sex partners?
I'm still trying to figure out what I was "wrong" about.... A bit stumped to be honest. I just brought up the quote for discussion purposes. It's kinda interesting as a discussion piece dontcha think? I've certainly never heard it discussed and for that reason alone it's interesting (at least to me anyways)....
Btw, regarding the number of partners I've had (and / or the fact that I paid for most of them) mostly means nothing to me. I suppose I wouldn't want it broadcast to the world that I've paid, but my mom knows, my sister should know and my best friend knows. They still love me and I'm ok.
I don't even begin to understand why you said: "I daresay that I have had as many male partners (and female partners) as you have had female. I am not particularly proud of that but..."
What is there to be proud or ashamed of? Note, I can't say that I've had any male partners (and don't want any, I don't swing that way), but I digress...
BTW, do I have more or less partners than I? I'm curious :D ...
For the record, the last girlfriend had more sex partners than I. She wasn't a slut nor did she think of herself as one (not that I noticed anyways....). Beautiful woman. Could have had 30 guys in 15 days no sweat. Wouldn't of course, because she had plenty of self respect, but could if wanted to... She said more than 25 to my 21 at that time... Probably still has had more partners than I...
Anyways... Enough about my exploits... Let us discuss the origin of the word "slut" and rationales (if any valid one exist) for the term as it is commonly understood.
Also, how would you say it harmed you? That I do find interesting.
Disease? Reputation? Self image? Physical harm? If self image, is it because of the concept of slut and virginal woman = good and pure, or is it because you bought into the b.s. that society fed you? If you ceased to believe societal b.s. would whatever harm you suffered abate or disappear?
Personally, I stopped believing societal b.s. about "johns" and I have enjoyed my sexuality for the first time in my life. It's been a godsend. Thank god I cast off the idiotic crap about all johns being abusers and wanting to hurt women. I have no intention of harming any woman, have not harmed any woman (no more than usual of course, to some women, my mere existence is harmful to them... but I digress) that I've paid for the pleasure of enjoying their company.
That said, I am certain that not all of them were comfortable with what they were doing, but most of them were. Considering the number of times I've been turned down cold (i.e. even with money in hand I couldn't get laid), I know it's not because they didn't have a choice with me.
But again I digress...
How were you hurt? I want to try and understand the harm that you've suffered...
Posted: 03 Oct 22:39