OP: Fiancée watching Tranny porn after promising he wouldn't...

Here's the deal: I am engaged, the big date is August 30th, 2008. About 10 months from now. I love my fiance with all my heart and I know he loves me....but I have some major fears and insecurities about one issue in particular. My fiance watches trans sexual pornigraphy.
It started way back when we were dating. I had only known him for about two months at the time and he asked me to house-sit while he was away on business. While I was at his house, I was on his computer and couldn't find a web page that I had vsited earlier that day. I went into the history to find it (I am NOT computer savvy at all, but my brother showed me this one trick)> Anyway, I did find my page, but I also came across A LOT of trans sexual porn sights.....ie: men dressed like women with their "parts" intact. Now, I consider myself to be fairly liberal and open sexually. I am actually ok with porn in small doses and enjoy it myself from time to time, but this particular content confused me. I confronted him about it and he said he was just curious and it would NEVER happen again. I felt sooooo much better.
Skip to three months ago: We are now engaged. This time I was into the hard drive on our computer and I was trying to find an old resume that I had saved a long time ago. I was trying EVERYTHING to find it...called my brother, he mentioned to try clicking on "hidden files" to see if it was there. I did and what I found was file after file after file of porn, including A LOT more transsexual porn, along with internet dating sites for trans sexuals. He had sites book marked for places that he travelled for work! I looked at the times it was viewed and he was viewing it after I went to bed or when I was away. I confronted him again and this is what he said: It is a compulsion, he can't stop, he can only go for so long and then he HAS to look at transsexual porn. He says he has been doing ti behind my back for the last two years that we have been together and can not stop. He assured me he was not gay or bisexual. He said he has come to accept that this is a part of him and if I can not accept that, I should leave because I will not be happy........WHAT THE???!!!! We are ENGAGED! He is chosing his tranny porn over me.....he says he can't help it. What do I do???!!!! We are scheduled to see a counselor, but I can't wait that long. I don't know whether I should just pack it up and leave because he was dishonest and is chosing porn over me....or should I accept it and not over react.....or should I try to get him help because he says this is a compulsion!????? SOMEONE...please give me some advice. I love this man, I moved to a new city for him, we own a house together and we are engaged....I can't just let that all go!


Posted: 05 Oct 08:31


I always had a bit of an issue with that definition of addiction. If your wife doesn't like you working, and you go to work, she divorces you, arguably, the cause of your divorce was your addiction to work. Somehow that doesn't make sense.


Another issue, how is watching tranny porn, CHOOSING the porn over his fiance? This too, I don't understand.

What if it was ice cream, or bike riding? What determines when a partner "chooses" the activity, item etc. over the other partner? It's wierdness? Something I just don't get...

Anyways, don't marry the guy. All you'll do is make his life horrible, which will necessarily make your life horrible. That seems like the situation to me. Listen to Brandye. She's smart. EEK, well you could listen to her if you dare, but that takes some serious cajones, know what I mean? I'm not that tuff myself, but if you're up for it, go for it. Life will be a wild ride!


Posted: 05 Oct 08:31

Eh, reading this again, I see that I missed the tranny hook up sites. Note, these may just automatically come up merely by visiting sites (sorta like Adultfriendfinder, hit any porn site (or relationship site that has advertising ) and that damned popup is sure to show up regardless if you're looking for someone or not. A definite downer for those in relationships looking for a bit of electronic T&A)....

And so it goes...


Posted: 05 Oct 08:32

My question for you is this: Is it the not so run-of-the-mill porn that he watches the thing that bothers you or are you afraid that he's a closet case?

There are some things that I like to watch (though very herterosexual) that my wife doesn't necessarily like, but I can tell you that I'm not chosing them over her.

Problems only arise once he sacrifices relationship time to be with his porn instead.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:33

He will not stop without help. You will not overcome your position without help. Sounds like you two need help. Better now than after a few years of marriage.

And an addiction is defined as perseverating on anything to the point that it gets in the way of normal relationships. He is addicted.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:33

Nice going, you sound like a bad attitude old nasty piece of work.

The girl didnt come on here asking to be insulted by the likes of you, how god damned rude can you possibly be?
Lose the bad attitude & get some manners will you.

It's not exactly normal for a straight guy to get off on tranny porn...

Isn't it about time ~you~ grew up instead of jumping down peoples throats for being insecure? It's terribly obvious that you do not understand in the slightest. As you do not understand you should just keep out of it.
Your piece of advice here was piss poor in the highest possible order.

You are not anyones reality check, you're just down right rude.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:33

Brandye gives the definition of an addiction. A person surely can have an addiction to work. Probably very uncommon, but let's say that this man in your example is at work so often that his personal relationships are suffering. He is working 24/7, nights, weekends and so on. Far beyond his call of duty, there is nothing reasonable that's keeping him at work for so many hours. He gives up normal activities in order to keep working, like eating regularly, sleeping, spending time with his family. No matter how much people in his life try to tell him to take a break, tell him that they miss him, they need him, they are concerned about him - he will not stop, he feels like he can't stop. That could become enough of a problem that a wife may consider divorce, yes? When it is something that consumes you so much that you lose your ability to keep a normal life going, that is generally when you cross the border into an addiction. Technically, I suppose you could be "addicted" to almost anything, but an addiction becomes a problem when it starts affecting your sense of normalcy and your relationships with other people. An addiction to chapstick is not going to affect your life as much as an addiction to drugs will.

In this case, she states that her fiance has told her that this is a compulsion and he feels like he cannot stop. It would be different if he did not WANT to stop (maybe he doesn't), but it sounds to me more like he feels like he's incapable of stopping the pornography. We don't know anything about their sex life, whether it's normal or not. But if he is avoiding sex with a real person to masturbating to porn, even though he has a willing participant, that to me could qualify as someone who has an addiction. No one likes to have limits put upon them, no one responds positively to someone they love putting out ultimatums and telling them that they don't want them to do something. In some cases, depending on the ultimatum, it's enough to end a relationship. However, asking someone to stop viewing, or at least cut down on viewing, one particular type of pornography does not seem like enough of a reason for a person to want to end an engagement. Maybe for some people it is, but this is a woman that he has decided he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Why would he want to choose his pornography over a real life relationship, a chance at a family, and so on. Personally, I do not think the request is so crazy. Part of keeping a marraige and relationship working is compromising. In this case, I think she also is coming across the problem of wondering whether his pornography viewing is signalling that he actually could be bisexual or at the worst, gay. He may or may not have been actually trying to find transexuals to hook up with in real life, while he is away on business. This is scary to think about when you are almost married to a man that you fully believed was satisfied with your sex life before this. I would want to know whether or not my fiance was really attracted to men, or transexuals, and if he was - whether or not he was really planning to seek out sex with them.

Anyway, I support the decision to see a counselor and try to work on things. He may not WANT to give up the pornography, which is completely different from having an addiction to it. In that case, you would have to make a decision of whether or not you wanted to marry him. An ultimatum in this case will probably not work. But, at least you would have all the chips down in front of you in order to make a decision. It seems a little rash for either of you to walk away from your engagement over this issue without trying to work through it first with a counselor. Think of how many other tough compromises the two of you are going to have to make later in life, during a marraige together. You'd better be able to tackle the tough issues if your marraige has any chance of surviving. I'd just focus on postponing your wedding date, if necessary, until you find out whether or not you can both come to a reasonable solution over this.

Just my opinions.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:34

Lovely to see you again, Sirene.

"It's not exactly normal for a straight guy to get off on tranny porn..."

How would you know?
What if it were entitled something else and you couldn't tell?
Would that make it all better?

The girl may not have expected what she got but if she had looked through these pages and the sticky posts re: pornography, she may have decided to re-think her position without posting what was little more than a plea to provide her with back-up for her already decided position.

The ONLY real issue when deciding to marry or not is: do you want this person as they are right here and right now for the rest of your life.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:34

Okay Sirene Evil is blunt. She helped you remember? Stop disputing over nonsense---both. Life is too short, unless you are working on developing your writing & communications skills. Remember those who help you...


Posted: 05 Oct 08:35

How would i know? Because I'm a straight guy & my male friends are straight & i know damn well it's not normal. What kind of "straight" man looks at MEN dressed as women & gets off on it!? What kind of straight MAN looks at other mens cocks & gets excited?! Not a normal "straight" man


Posted: 05 Oct 08:35

So "normal" equals "straight" in your and in your friends' minds? Interesting. Not even bisexual is acceptable as being "normal"? I find that interesting because apparently males find bisexual females to be "all the rage" and
"entirely acceptable". But we digress from the point.

Does she want this particular man, as he is - no changes - right here, right now and for the rest of her life?

If not, then stop wasting his time and move on.
If so, then get over the pornography. Marriage is tough enough - work, kids, money, etc. - to spend time on this issue.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:35

Ok, I guess I should clarify some things that I may not have been too clear about in my original post and I apologize for any confusion. I don't have a problem with the content so much. I wouldn’t care if my fiance got his kicks from wrapping himself in cellophane and hanging himself from the ceiling! I'm weird too. We all are. My problem is that he has not been honest with me and continues to be dishonest about this whole thing. When I first found out, he was really embarrassed and thought I was disgusted with him. I told him I was not going to judge him on the content, but I needed to understand why he felt he HAD to look at this. I want to know why this is a compulsion....
It's not really an addiction per say, because he says he hates the idea of looking at trans sexual pornography and doesn't have to look at it every day. He is basically disgusted with himself. For that reason he says he tries to make himself not look at it (his own doing) but can only go for about a month and then he HAS TO LOOK AT IT. This is what I don't understand. I can learn to deal with pictures of women with dicks...if that is what he likes......but I can't have him spring any more of these little surprises on me and say "oh, by the way, I have a compulsion to look at a certain kind of porn and you just need to deal with it.
To those that offered helpful, intelligent advice, THANK YOU. It really helped to hear another perspective.
To those that just insulted me and failed to offer any kind of intelligence: Go f#ck yourself.
I laugh at being called "high maintenance" and "little princess"...if only you had any idea at all how far from the truth that is....Hahahaha.
And as far as needing backup for a decision I had already made......if that was the case I would have left him the first time I found the porn and I wouldn't be paying $150/hour for a therapist because he wants to try to figure out why he has a compulsion to look at women with dicks.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:36

Hey Dawn,

It's nice that you came back to post. Good luck in counseling, hopefully it'll help clear up some things and help you both understand his compulsion. I agree that I'd also be a little unsettled if I suddenly found out something hidden about my fiance, when I thought I knew who he was, what he liked and what turned him on. I guess it's a never-ending learning process! Come back and let us know if it works at all.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:38


I know where you're going with that, but let's say this fellow in your example works the usual workweek, 35-40 hrs, and his wife doesn't like it and it causes problems in the marital relationship. Is his work an addiction in that situation?

That's what I don't like about that definition of addiction. It's rather subjective rather than objective. It's objective to the situation at hand (i.e. the couple having issues over the husband's 40 hr work week), but then is it the addiction to work that is the issue or the wife's addiction to her husband's engagment in the relationship such that the husband can't have a normal workweek?

That's what I don't like about this definition of addiction. That said, everything and anything can be a problem so a broad definition isn't necessarily bad, but we should be aware of the shortcomings of the definition.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:39

You missed it, Sirene. Your homophobia got in the way.

There's that horror/fascination "eeeewwwwwww" factor that I illustrated with my snake story that just flew on by you. Horror movie sort of thing. Some people just like making their skin crawl. Could be that.

Only his therapist knows!


Posted: 05 Oct 08:39

Yes, EvilEvilKitty, it "got me off the couch"...as you so politely put it. It did more than get me off the couch, it made me fly off the couch. As far as him not mentioning this minor, insignificant detail to me [sarcasm] because I would make him feel ashamed and horrible for looking at it in the first place, I made it very clear to him the first time I saw it that I was not judging him, I just needed him to explain why he had stereotypical "gay" pornography (ie: pictures of women with MALE parts) on his computer. I only wanted to better understand him. I am not one to judge. For all I know, lots of straight guys like looking at women with dicks, I just needed him to tell me that! Trust me, I was doing the whole pep talk with him that night, letting him know I would be there for him if only he would be honest with me. I stepped out of my own comfort zone for him, which I am more than willing to do, and he rejected that and continued to deny this issue to himself and to me. I am not questioning whether or not I want to spend the rest of my life with this man...and I am not asking that he change himself to suit my needs. I just thought I knew everything about the love of my life and then he suddenly springs this "compulsion" on me. Am I supposed to just say to myself; "Oh, well, Gee-wiz! I guess he is addicted to transsexual porn! Boy, I didn't see that coming! Well, I guess that is just a part of him that I didn't expect.....I will just ignore it and marry him anyway..." OR should I just say " well, **** happens! I've only spent the best two years of my life loving this man more than I could ever love anyone else, BUT he likes transsexual porn and I'm not comfortable with that, so I should just give up everything and move on". WHAT THE F*CK! It's not that simple. Obviously, if it was, I would not be putting myself out there and asking for help on a sex forum!
Maybe your life is so simple, EvilEvilKitty, but mine is not and I take things like Marriage VERY seriously. This may be a minor issue to you, or you may feel this should be viewed as a minor issue by me but I can assure you that it is not. I never asked for your simplistic, unintelligent judgement. I asked for advice. Preferably thought-out and useful advice. All you have contributed is insignificant babble that serves no purpose other than maybe raising your weak self esteem by venting about other peoples' issues. In that case: WELL DONE!


Posted: 05 Oct 08:39


EEK is blunt & to the point & takes her marriage very seriously. They have a arrangement which suits them BUT she has been happily married for 30 years to the same man.

You are irate, it's not at her. Look inside it's that you are now dealing with things which you may not like when you thought the man was someone slightly different for the past two years. All I can say is "welcome to the club". Do you think your situation is SPECIAL? Sorry to inform you it's very mild. Now, you make it as a couple and accept each other or split.

And you ARE NOT married. Back out if it is this bothersome. Life has to deal many blows as time continues & this is a pothole in the road...if you hit the bump and cannot handle it you will never make a marriage & be happy. THIS IS A PROMISE.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:40

Ask a question and for an opinion...you get an answer. Suggest counseling for you...you are never going to make a successful marriage partner with your attitude. Too insecure, hostile, and closed to listening.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:40

Sera's quite right, my marriage will not suit everyone but it began pretty much like everyone else's - not knowing eveything about the man I was going to be married to for the rest of my life. I took and still take my marriage very seriously. I recognise it as one of the most courageous acts a person can do. I still do not know all about him. I do not expect to know everything about him - people are far to complex for that and they are always "moving targets" because they are always growing and learning as persons in their own right.

Sera did not know all about her husband. No one does. Not ever. Most people do not even know themselves. Witness your fiance not knowing why. So how could he explain it to you? You seem to want guarantees. Sorry but marriage does not come with a warranty of any kind. You will continue to be surprised, enraged, delighted, exasperated, tormented, tested, etc., and so forth by this man of yours as I, and all other women on the planet, have been by their men.

In each and every case the answer is always the same: do you right here, right now, as he is, want to remain married to this man. You will never know everything, and frankly, that is half the fun of being married. My husband is so much more than I ever dreamed of! I am amazed and elated! In my adoring eyes, he is the best man on the planet!

I'm glad you went to counseling and hope it works well for you. But, being blunt - brace yourself, if you do not feel about your husband the way I feel about mine when you walk down the aisle, you will stand no chance of making it to 30 years.

(In fairness: you can reverse the genders. Men go through this too.)


Posted: 05 Oct 08:41