I have no problem(s) re-posting it. Please keep in mind; similar to this very minute, it was composed first thing in the a.m. and my thought process was not as clear as I would have liked. After re-reading it... I also find it hard to follow, and I'm the one that wrote it.
But regardless, here it is:
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Well... in addition to my previous (humorous?) post... let me share MY beliefs on the subject.
*NOTE: Please ignore the inaccuracy of my facts. I am generalizing and estimating because I'm too tired to go find the actual data and/or facts.
Did you realize that aside from our perception as we get older... there is not a lot of difference between men & women...? Hmmm... that sounds like a far stretch, so let me explain:
It is not until LATE in the pregnancy that gender is determined and it is mostly determined by which hormone gets produced by the fetus first - testosterone or estrogen. At that point the body kicks-in.
Similar...? Yep. If you scour the web you will see some INCREDIBLE instances of the 'in-between" phases of sexual development; such as women's clitoris' that are larger than normal - resembling a small penis. Why... because it is the same flesh mass, just underdeveloped. The labia...? is the scrotum without testicles... the ovaries are the testicles but up in the abdominal cavity or you could take the opposite perspective that it's the Clitoris that GROWS for a man, the ovaries "drop" to become testicles into the scrotum which would have been the labia... etc. We both have nipples, etc.
My point is... it's the body's CHEMISTRY that determines what direction you will take sexually... but it does NOT always happen cut & dry or Black & White. Those are NOT the only hormones and feremones we have. There is belief that you may be genetically closer to the chemical makeup of a WOMAN being more in-touch with feeling and being more emotional yet having the physical characteristics of a MAN.
What about Hermaphrodites that are born with BOTH working reproductive sets...? What does that make them...? Straight? Gay? How do you tell...? If they're with a woman... are they straight or lesbian? If they are with a man, are they straight or Gay...?
From what I understand... more than 90% of non-heterosexual tendancies are NOT "choices" but desires that are not chosen... heck, dare I say REPRESSED for years and burried with denial.
We are slaves to the hormone(s) and our own brains. We like what we like... we hate what we hate. The similarities between men & women physically are closer than you think. The switch that 'normally' gets flipped that triigers interest of the opposite sex can sometimes be flipped a different way... or at times, not even be defined.
I take issue with those that say "You're either straight or gay... there is no Bisexuality" ummm... that's an odd statement. They think Bisexuals are "Confused". Sorry, but I've known a few of them and they didn't seem confused to me. They we very comfortable and grounded in their lives.
Anyhow... enough of my semi-long rant. I think there's a LOT more in my head that makes my point(s) clearer, but I just don't have the energy to type it all out. All I can say is, imagine this:
You wake up one morning... let's say tomorrow. You FEEL the same way you do right now. EXACTLY the same. But, something's different. WHOA! You look down and your gender has changed...!!! You are the OPPOSITE of what you thought you were. No, wait... that's not true... You've ALWAYS been this, but what your THOUGHT you were was a dream...? So, in my scenario, you are now the opposite sex but have all the want's & desires you have right now.
So.. guys... tell me... you now look down and see breasts and a vagina. Are you going to become "gay" and start dating other women...? Why? What's wrong with you...? (stereotypical response)
Girls... now that you lost your breasts and vagina and have a penis... will that make you desire women now...? or will you still like men...? Heck, that's gonna make you GAY now...!
My point is... all of us "straight" people seem to feel confident where we are because we're in the "norm"... but if all of a sudden, you were in a situation where your DESIRES have not changed... but your GENDER has... you still feel like the same person... but now the world's VIEW of you would change if you still were attracted to the sex you always were attracted to. Men who 'became' women would be considered gay because they still like women. Women who became men would be 'gay' because they still like men.
We cannot fault others because of a predetermined desire in their head(s). It's not fair. Imagine a guy saying: "Man, that woman is HOT looking.." and other guys being REPULSED by that statement. "Dude, are you sick...?" No! We like what we like.
Okay, enough of my rant... I hope at least 50% of this came across the way I intended to. Have good weekend...!!!
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Yeah... a little bit tough to follow, but I think (hope?) my intentions came across. Peace, all.
Posted: 30 Sep 04:42