"How long can u wait...."? How long will it take for you to make this determination? Each person will have a different set of circumstances, and, with each person s/he regularly dates with the intention of having a deeper relationship. No two couples are the same. No two relationships are the same. With each person you date, and presuming all is going well and in the direction you hope for, how long it takes for you, him, or any other couple to recognize that "I love you", varies.
I believe your question is "how long should I wait....?" There are various stages of attraction, ranging from--
* Attraction, physically and emotionally
* Like
* Trusting a person
* Being in Like with the person
* Lust
* Infatuation
* Passion
* Love
* Being in love with the person
* Commitment
Informing a person that "I love you" is vastly different than informing him/her that "I am in love with you." Love conjures up a strong set of emotions than simply liking a person very very much. You can have one or more acquaintances that you like--or not, yet have little or no social interactions with. Friendships range the gamut from casual to Best Friend. I really really like my best friends {one a woman, one a man) and can share a range of emotions and secrets with both that other people (just friends) will never be privy to. I enjoy interacting and doing things together with each of them to a degree not shared with other more casual friends.
So, when do you tell your boyfriend "I love you"? The most likely answer is when you determine that he is more to you than just a casual friend--and! when you have a "mutual admiration" for each other, and, when there is trust, and, when he enjoys being with you as much as you enjoy being with him, and, when he places you at the top of his list of priorities, and, when you can still live life without him, yet choose not to. Tell him when he puts as much time and effort into the relationship as you and with the same importance. So, this has as much or more to do with him as it does with how you feel.
WORD TO THE WISE: If a boyfriend exhibits behaviors or attitudes that are unacceptable to you, but, you believe "I can fix him"--don't. You cannot. You are not the first to think this way and the results are generally always negative. Do not hang on to a guy and whisper "I love you" into his ear in the hope less desirable characteristics or traits will change in time. Wrong. Do not tell a person "I love you" just to keep him, have a guy in your life, or, not to be alone. Double wrong.
Posted: 08 Oct 21:04