OP: How long to wait before saying 'I Love You'

How long can u wait to tell a guy how much u love them even if u two is dating for at least 3 months.


Posted: 08 Oct 21:03


I think the phrase "I love you" is thrown around too much by people who do not yet understand the real significance of Love. With many young people (usually teens), might think that what they are feeling is love. Love is a very special thing, you will know when you love someone, I think 3 months is a bit short of time to love someone, then again i could be wrong.


Posted: 08 Oct 21:10

> I think the phrase "I love you" is thrown around too much by people who do not yet understand the real significance of Love. With many young people (usually teens), might think that what they are feeling is love.

This is what is referred to as "Puppy Love", or adolescent love. These feelings are a temporary infatuation, yet real. It is the beginning.

> Love is a very special thing, you will know when you love someone, I think 3 months is a bit short of time to love someone, then again i could be wrong.

For the inexperienced, I do agree.


Posted: 08 Oct 21:10

thank u that help a lot ... its been a long time ive been on the site but me and that dude jus chat by texin now and im glad i never told him i did ....even if i do feel some thing for him i never said ty


Posted: 08 Oct 21:11

What about fears of them not wanting to be with you after you say it?


Posted: 08 Oct 21:12

They back away because you are being more emotionally open than they expect and are therefore coming across as NEEDY at best and CREEPY at worse and that has nothing to do with being a bad or a nice guy.

To put this into more male-friendly terms:

Being too upfront emotionally is like you're hunting deer by crashing through the forest making as much noise as humanly possible while playing a boom box at full volume.

CHILL - you're scaring the girls!


Posted: 08 Oct 21:13

haha I like the male friendly analogy, yeah I see what you are saying and I agree. I often wonder, what would I do if a woman was completely up front with me? I'd probably bolt like a scared dear. Or freeze like a rabbit in the headlights.


Posted: 08 Oct 21:13

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