My view on virginity has changed over time. My position until just a few years ago and after two marriages and a few relationships was that first time ever sex {making love) on a couple's honeymoon was indeed special. It was Part 2 of the wedding ceremony in which there would be a melding to the two psyches into one for a moment in time. When there was to be a first time ever with other people years later, I did not sense a joining of our two psyches. (See below.)
[quote=RedRoses]How do you define "sacred"? Something utterly beautiful? Something that's pure? Something that needs to be treated delicately or you'd take the essence of it? Perhaps even something that you may only look at and can't touch? Something religiously or spiritually important to you? Something that holds "special powers"?
My view on virginity has changed over time: [/quote]
What I did discover after that first marriage and with those relationships followed by a second marriage was that having sex did indeed make it easier to determine if this person was Ms. Right or not. Now, very much older, wiser, and, experienced, and, having gotten inside my partner's mind in other ways, I find this relationship much much better even though the "melding" has never occurred, again, since. The notion that two become as one does still happen, yet there is much to be said for appreciating our individuality.
A healthy relationship or marriage forms when two people each with a past, choose to join together to form a future that is greater than the sum of its two parts. Part of my discovery process regarding relationships is that it is not necessary to get inside my partner's head as if her brain was and extension of my own, it is in the ongoing discovery of viewpoints, our thoughts, our mutual interest in learning what we can do each day to make his/her day better--then doing it. The love we have for each other, today, is much more practical than the spirituality from an earlier time. Yes, we are religious, just more pragmatic.
[quote=EEK]Sacred? NO, virginity is not sacred. Cruel and ignorant, yes; sacred, not even close! One's first time is fumbling, can be painful, there may be some blood loss, but (and this applies to every new partner even later on) the first sex you have with someone is the WORST sex you will ever have with that person.
Just what one wants on one's wedding night - bloody, painful, fumbling bad sex - Right?
But if you leave learning all of this knowledge until after you're married you could find yourself married to precisely the wrong person and, hey, too late now! You'll have to divorce him/her to get rid of him/her and that's a painful process.
No guarantees but you'll most likely make a better choice in spouse if you have some experience under your belt. [/quote]
"Like" is a primary ingredient to be sure; however, for there to be really really intense orgasms there has to be more than a mutual admiration. "Sparks" and pheromones only fly when there is a special connection beyond simply liking a person.
Posted: 03 Oct 08:42