Bull Position


aka: Sitting Bull

In the standard variation of the Bull position, the man sits upright with his legs apart while the woman lies between them with her legs up over the his shoulders. While comfortable, this position does not afford much mobility for either partner, so most of the movement comes from rolling the hips. That said, if you happen to have a headboard with posts, the woman might be able to use those to generate some lateral movement... or alternatively a small (mechanic's) creeper could put her on wheels. You may also find it a little easier to increase the range from the hip movement with some pillows under either, or both, partner's rears.

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Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 758

("07NhQ>) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:23

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 514

(MkpB|"d) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:13

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 270


Posted: 31 Mar 06:00

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 26

({Y4|[d=) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 05:50

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

me and my boyfriend tried this the other night when we had sex it was an amazing night I've never cummed so much. and it made me scream we are definitely going to continue with this position because he knows i like and it makes him harder than a god damn bowling ball and just makes me feel so hot inside.

Posted: 25 Oct 21:06

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

As great as it looks, execution & enjoyment was highly limited in my experience. Just couldn't get the alignment to match up. Maybe I'll give it another go and use a pillow to help prop me up =]

Posted: 25 Oct 21:05

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

Tried a variation of this last week and oh my good heavens. Folded my legs back with my pelvis (and penis) jutting out and drove into her at a slight upwards angle over and over. It was just pure ecstasy.

Posted: 25 Oct 21:05

Char female 00 victoria7 a Makeup victoria7 00 look 00 ec 04 Hair victoria7 00 updo 04 brown Clothes female 00 autumnbreeze a 02
Reg: 17/10/23
Posts: 4066

When we get her legs up in the air, sometimes I penetrate too deeply. This position controls it (you can only get about 5" in from our experience). Also great for hitting the g-spot and rubbing the tip of the head.

Posted: 25 Oct 21:05