OP: Exclusivity vs. Dating Around

Okay, so on this site I have noticed two different opinions regarding dating. I know DancinDoc and EEK are both for dating around, but on the other hand I know a lot of people consider exclusivity to be a better idea. So I wanted to create a thread for both sides of the table to toss around pros and cons of the other.

I honestly do understand both sides of the argument, but perhaps the rest of you can present some facet that the rest of us haven't thought of yet.

Why is dating around the way to go at a young age? Or why stay exclusive?

Tell me what you all think.


Posted: 08 Oct 22:24


How - some call it listening to your body or living in the moment but the point is accepting the animal within which the human lives and giving that animal its due. We're animals first, then humans, then women or men then an individual person - in ascending order.

Yes, an understanding of "how" comes with experience. His being your 'first' accounts for a great deal.


Posted: 08 Oct 22:28

I was married at age 19. I dated a total of 3 guys before I got married. The marriage was awful, lasted a total of 1 year. I fouled around on him in a heartbeat. My husband was 5 years older than me, he dated around more, had sex with more people, and was more ready for marriage than I was. I'm 23 now and I've been dating a lot of people. Some day I want to try marriage again, but I want to experience being with more people. So staying exclusive is out for me.


Posted: 08 Oct 22:28

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