hey Evil Kitten,
I should have checked back here after my initial posts! You are WAY off. Yes, my wife told me that she heard her parents and NO, I didn't ignore what she said. She claims that she does like sex and that her sex drive is not low, but her "are you done yet" comment screwed with my brain. I can take her not even sqeeking out a whimper or making sure the door is locked and the tv is blairing...but the fact that there is not any interest or initiation on her part is what hurts. I do listen. I bring up the topic all the time. I do way more around the house than the average guy to alieve some of her work. I try to flirt with her daily and leave messages for her on her cell to let her know that I am thinking about her. I hear what she says and unfortunately when she gives me that look and that little smile and says "later", then I believe her. When later comes, then NOTHING. How in the world did you read between the lines and determine that I don't listen to my wife?
Here's a perfect example for you. This past Saturday, the kids were away at their friends. I took my wife to the mall to buy her some new outfits. Everything was nice and she even took my hand as we walked through the mall. Here I am thinking that she is actually showing ME some attention. We get home and as I should have guessed it, she is worried that the kids might come home. Perfect opportunity and I'm shot down again.
To the others that have posted...thanks for the advice. I will however never go elsewhere and get what I am lacking at home. I took my vows very seriously and I will not cheat on my wife.
When you use quotation marks, that means someone actually said what you are putting the quotes around. What gave you the impression that I dismissed her concerns? And how can you put quotes around "not important"? I never said either of those things. I guess sound-proofing our bedroom (and the kids) with solid doors and rearranging our bedroom so that the bed is on the outside wall means that I am not listening, huh? Does that sound like I am dismissing her concerns? NO. I'm trying to make things right. I'm the one who is spending my time here on this board searching for answers and to help spice things up. Do you think I can get her to even look at this forum? The answer is NO. I have mentioned this forum and other sites and invited her to view them with me at home, but she won't. Now who isn't listening? I talk and make suggestions and she is the one who isn't responding. She ignores me. She is the one who is "dismissing" my concerns. You got it all backward
Now before you go ahead and respond to me that I have the problem, think again and really answer the question as if it were a woman with this problem. As I said in my very first thread, it seems that all the issues are with women not getting any sex from their men. Now that the issue is reversed by a guy that really and truely wants things to be the way they used to be, I don't listen to her...Men have needs to and those needs shouldn't be dismissed.
I have suggested that she go to her Dr. to see if she has any hormonal issues or any other problem Afterall, we are both 43 and there could be a problem. Again, my suggestion is dismissed and the subject goes away.
Posted: 05 Oct 08:05