OP: Sexless marriage...

Well, I have not come on here for a very long time, but.. I could use some help.. Little bit about me right now.. and if I miss type or spell soemthing please go ease on me... tired and spelling/typing are not my best skills...

I have been married for 3 years this month... my wife and I have one child, little girl who will be 4 this 12/23, yes I know, was not planed, but she is very far from not being loved.. light of my life realy..

But here is the thing... my wife and I have not had any type of sex sence, well, we found out we were going to have a child... yes.. I know.. no sex of ANY kind. Oral, hand, full contact... NOTHING, ZIP, NONE, BIG FAT ZERO! I have talked to her about it, asked her why, and the reason I have been given is, "sex is not imported to me and you need to just deal with that."

I have tryed to have us go to someone to help with this... and she just says she wants no part of it... but, jacking off, porn or anthing like that, she cant stand... But I still do it when she is not here... I feel like a 17 year old pumping one off when there folks are not home, and that is not what being married should feel like, right? Haveing to please your self when no one is looking or is home?

Tryed touching and rubbing, and she goes to sleep, cant stand to be kissed, or playfully touched when its just us at home... was this way on the first night we were married and on the whole honeymoon as well...

I dont know what I am asking for... friendly ear, help, ideas.. honestly I am at lost...


Posted: 04 Oct 23:13


Here comes along this man and he's all wrapped around the axle saying his wife won't do this or that or the other and oddly enough, his post is "ALL ABOUT HIM" and all about what he's not getting. Now, I could be all nice and fluffy and placate him BUT doing so would not help him. So, I pick up a brick and slam it against his skull - mainly to get his attention - but also to stop his whining long enough to get him focusing upon the true reality of his situation.

She is who she is. If she did not love you she would have left you already. She's there for you, for your family, 24/7/365 and the only comlaint you have re: her is not enjoying sex with her - try as you might. And how have you tried!
Cajoling, badgering, talking, nagging, yadda, yadda, yadda. Morning, noon, and night.

It is a wonder she hasn't strangled you yet.

If sex means that much to you, despite everything else you have with her, then divorce her and be done with it because you can't change her - only she can do that. And the more you push, the more she will resist.

How would you feel if the situation were reversed? Exactly.

an Open Marriage is not appropriate for everyone. An open marriage requires courage, honesty, trust and you always have to be adult ALL of the time. And everyone has to know and accept everyone else. Who does what with whom when and where and who's picking up the dry cleaning/kids/groceries this week? You think your life is complicated? Please.

Both have to agree wholeheartedly and continue to agree wholeheartedly. There are no half-way measures here. There is no room for pretense, jealousy, false/injured/misplaced pride, sense of entitlement or any other ill/delusion that can infect a marriage. In its own way, it is far tougher than your more regular marriage.

That's precisely why an open marriage is not appropriate for everyone.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:08

This is my 1st post on here, I feel for you, it is funny how the men who wants/needs sex the most seem to have the low sexed wives and the women who want it have the low sexed husbands. Such a common problem!!! Why Sex Therapy was born. My husband has lower testosterone levels & I want sex more than him. I am 42, he is 45. Married 18 yrs, For most of our marriage , it was the other way around, now the tables have turned, He used to suffer in silence, but Me, well, I cant do that , so I have been bothering him a lot. He says I am not bothering him but we have gotten into this cycle of misunderstanding --as I can relate to how you feel, I need more "response", more encouragement, more zeal for the act when we are together. I got a few books dealing with this subject that have been very helpful. One is called "When your sex Drives don't match".

It has 10 different libido types explained, what an absolute eye opener !!! This book has helped us resolve some of our misunderstandings with each other. It will explain where each type of Lover is coming from, how they feel about sex, what they want from sex, what they want from their partner. I found that I am an Erotic/Dependant, and he is a Reactive/ Sensual. From the way you talk, you may be an Erotic Lover and for these types it really dampens things when you are not getting any feedback from your spouse. You want them to initiate, to respond somehow, this is SOOO important to an Erotic. Probably to others as well, but we crave that, we NEED Enthusiasm. (some other types are Addictive, Compulsive, Detached, Entitled, Disinterested, and Stressed). Beings my husband is a Reactive Lover, he wants to please me more than he cares about himself, so even with lower testosterone levels, he pretty much takes care of me ever other day, or a little more if he can. I am blessed he is this type, but I would be thrilled if my man was a little bit of an Erotic. Also , our libido types can change over the years. This book would really help in the communication department with each other, I am not done with it yet, but it has exercises also to help couples.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:09

Well, until you're ready to confront the dragon head on there's no use talking.

Sex is like Breathing - it only matters if you can't do it and if you do not regard it as important enough to divorce over - you're not going to get any sex.

Just that simple.

Now I am not counseling you to get a divorce; I am counseling you to fight for what you want. Find out all you can about WHY she's not into sex - glorious sex - doesn't she like orgasms? - is she from Mars or something? - and really get into her head. Confront your own reluctance. You say you want sex but she throws a hissy fit and you cave. What's up with that? If you keep caving then she thinks "it really doesn't matter. He wan't serious." And your barren life goes on.

Stop whining and commiserating with eachother and get on with it.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:09

My wife has been going through the same thing for the last couple of years. She loves me. But, no sex. Her problem is hormonal. She is going through the change. We rarely have sex any more, and we used to have sex all the time. It makes her feel guilty because she used to be a nympho, but now there is no desire at all. She is trying to find out from doctors how to get things going again. In the meantime, I am going nuts!


Posted: 05 Oct 08:10

Usually, menopause results in an increase of desire since while all the hormone levels drop, the end result is a relative increase in testosterone in women which leads to elevated interest in sex.

She should have a VERY frank discussion with her doctor about this.
There are things that will help.


Posted: 05 Oct 08:10

I really don't know why I'm posting this...I think more to vent than get advice. At this point, I feel like its a lost cause. I just can't exactly talk about this most places!

I pretty much beg my husband for more sex, and I do it playfully and always give him an out. I'll put on lingerie, or even just be super snuggly on the couch, and flirt, and I always let him know in a teasing way that if he wants to wait until a little later, or even if he's too tired, that's ok.

He never seems pressured or upset, and even acts like oh yeah, man's fantasy, a wife who is always ready willing and heck even begging....but then I get NOTHING.

In the car the other day, we were talking about something and I told him how I get my mind off of boring or yucky things was to have sexual fantasies about him. You know what he said? THAT'S NICE and then moved on the conversation.

On the weekends, he sleeps in and I spend my morning alone and resentful, and then he wants to do nothing but stare at the tv together. I'm sure by mid-afternoon he'd probably say yes, but frankly at that point even I don't want to initiate sex with HIM because I'm so resentful of being less interesting then sleep. And then he stays up late and I go to bed alone (oh well, gives me some self-pleasure time at least I guess).

We have talked and talked about how this makes me feel, and tried a variety of changes. He keeps up with none. I have out and out told him that I am lonely and frustrated and that if I were single I would not be alone or lonely. I am an attractive woman who could have a partner any day of the week I wanted, and I do want. And I am not getting at home. I am so frustrated that I just want to cry and its getting to the point where I cannot get my mind off sex.

We've discussed sleep cycles, health and diet, exercise regimens and so on and how they affect you overall and your sex life. While he's not Mr Health by far, he's 31, thin, and eats relatively well.

I am just so frustrated and don't know how long I can handle this!!


Posted: 06 Oct 21:29

he's up late with who? maybe he's getting his needs met online? why would he change the conversation when you talk about sex? maybe he's annoyed with you. i'm sure you're a lovable person but maybe he's not attracted to the way you communicate and likes it better online? that's really a bad guess. have you asked him what you can do- anything- to get more sex out of him? it seems like he doesn't like when you're aggressive or talk about sex and is that something that was true from the start? did you always have sex without talking about it? maybe it's him, not you. geez, i wish i could help. i'm suspicious he's online though late...


Posted: 06 Oct 21:33

Sadly, he's just watching tv or playing (non-sexual) games on the computer. He is not computer savvy so cannot hide that type of thing! If that's what he was doing, I'd know how to turn that into me getting some...

I know he's into me, he loves me, and all that, its just like when it comes down to it, he'd rather sit around and stare at the tv. I hate that stupid tv!!!

I'm really at my wit's end. I'm not a jealous woman, a nag, a prude. I am attractive and loving. It just seems like he likes the idea of sex, but usually finds it to be too much effort. Sitting on the couch is so much easier you know. He works less than 40 hours a week and gets plenty of sleep, good meals, lots of encouragement and friendship.


Posted: 06 Oct 21:33

I am not sure if I am gonna make u feel better or not but I can SOOOOO relate to you it's not even funny. In fact, I felt like I was reading a journal entry of mine. I do the same thing, I've said the same stuff, I've tried the same stuff, I've cried, talked, yelled you name it... He is 32, in great shape etc., no excuse...I just turned 30 and I am at my peak.

I don't know what advice to give you, I also feel like I could go elsewhere for sex & I've thought about it a lot, so many men want it daily yet mine doesn't and I do. I always make the comment to my guy how "normal" men want to get in on at least 4 times a week and he's more like 3-4 times in a month if I am lucky and it's always all about him cause we don't do it enough.

The only thing I can say is that "if" I left him yeah I could get more sex but I'd be miserable every other aspect of our relationship and I'd be lacking the affection that my guy currently give's me. I guess it's a toss up and the sex is important but not the entire relationship.

I was asked this ? by a therapist once "if your DH had a medical condition that no longer made him able to perform sexually would you leave him?" my answer was no cause that's not why we are together, it's not all about the sex, although it does help things.

Hope that helped, and know that you are not alone.


Posted: 06 Oct 21:33

He needs a wake up call and to also understand the adage that "if Mama ain't happy...ain't nobody happy!" I suggest seeing a counselor in order to learn what is really going on.

I also think that giving him an out is a copout. Grab the proverbial bull by his horns (or balls) and get it on.


Posted: 06 Oct 21:33

This is not a normal situation for a healthy marriage and a man that age. You have three alternatives:

1. Accept things as they are and live to a ripe, old, bored, sexless age.

2. Announce you are taking a lover and telling him what nights you will not be home.

3. Demand:
a. That he get a complete physical exam including a testosterone level in the lab work. Go with him or get your information to the doctor.
b. Pending that outcome, marriage counselling with a competent counselor.

If he does not agree and cooperate with 3, then see 2.


Posted: 06 Oct 21:34

Human sexual desire is sometimes a weird and uncontrollable thing.

An initial question is whether your husband is uninterested in sex in general, or just has lost interest in sex with you. I guess -- if you've got him well beat in the computer-savvy department -- you can pretty easily tell whether he's looking at porn on the computer. That isn't real definitive (maybe he's so un-savvy he can't find porn? ... nah, that's not even possible), but it's indicative. If he's not having sex with you, and he doesn't have some sort of condition, he's certainly masturbating, and some porn comes in handy for that. It would be normal to find he's looking at something. If there are no tracks at all, and he doesn't have some magazines stashed somewhere, there's a good chance either that there's something odd going on with him, or that he's more savvy with the computer than you think. If the former, maybe medical science can save the day.

Putting that to the side, I guess I'd probably assume that he's functional and has some interest in general (that is, there's no weird hormone disorders or bizarre repressed memories of devil-worshipping rapists involved).

You say he loves you, and I believe you're right (after all, you should know). Maybe it sounds weird, but it is possible for a guy to love a woman and not be interested in having sex with her, even if she is generally attractive. After all, with a few disturbing exceptions, most of us guys love our sisters and have no interest in them at all. For that matter -- perhaps getting a little close to home, and with exceptions that are even more disturbing -- most men love their mothers. One thing that, in my highly inexpert opinion, can happen to married couples over time, is that the wife increasingly becomes like a mother or a sister to her husband. Anyway, you see where that's going ....

Throw in another element: men (women too, I guess, but that's not what we're talking about) are trained and socialized to repress their sexual desires in certain circumstances. For example, those of us who work in large business offices are surrounded by dozens or scores of female secretaries, assistants, junior executives, interns and the like, many of whom are attractive, well-dressed and friendly, and who are absolutely, positively off limits if you don't want your name, and your employer's, attached to a sexual harassment suit, not to mention divorce proceedings and applications for a new job. Bill Clinton to the contrary, it is possible to deal with this by keeping your attention limited to the shoulders on up. The danger (kind of a weird danger) is that can spill over to how you deal with all women, including your wife.

Also, almost any activity -- including ones people quite enjoy when they're hobbies or recreations -- becomes unappealing once it's a responsibility or a job. One thing I think you want to avoid is trying to shame him into sex. That just makes it like mowing the lawn or something. Plus, if you convince him that there's something wrong with him for not desiring sex with you, you won't make him interested, you'll just make him hate the whole topic.

So far, I've just given you meandering and possibly ill-founded amateur arm-chair psychology, but not a lot of suggestions. A few random ideas:

- If the TV is your enemy, enlist it as an ally. See if you can get something racy on there (pay-per-view, or rent something), and give him a blowjob or a handjob while he watches it. Just take the initiative with this, and don't give him too much of a chance to stop you. You may be able to figure out what sort of porn appeals to him. If not, I guess I'd probably go for something not too kinky. Maybe something amateur or gonzo could get him going.

- If you do have sex at all, don't be too demanding. See if you can interest him in a quickie, even if that means he gets off and you don't. I know that sounds unfair, but that's the hand you've been dealt. If he wants to watch TV afterwards, let him. The notion is that you'll at least awaken his interest and ultimately lure him back into something more mutually satisfactory. To address the last issue I noted before these specific ideas: make sure you compliment him, both with words and actions. If he doesn't really deserve it, do your best to find something you can believably praise. Size of his organ is a safe one: I think we're all suckers for that one, at least so long as it's not patently a lie.

- Sometimes the whole pattern of how you initiate things gets muddied. He may be turned off by the way you initiate things, or that you're initiating things at all; but he may not have a clear idea of how to get things going himself if he ever is in the mood. I don't have a tremendous idea here, but maybe you could give him a simple signal to use to tell you he's ready. Like a codeword, or some interesting item of clothing or underclothing. You can probably think up something better. Maybe it could relate back to, and remind him of, a happier and more functional time in your relationship.

- Or try being matter-of-fact and make it simple and easy for him. For example, some time when you're due to go somewhere (to work, or wherever), you could just say, "I've got ten minutes until I have to leave, how about quick ****?" See the point two back. Maybe it works, maybe it's stupid.

- If you determine that he has any kinks, fetishes or fantasies (I don't know: public sex? leather? armpits?), indulge them. This could be counter-productive, though. And make sure he really has an interest in what you try. The fact that some guys like leather bustiers doesn't mean that any of the rest of us do.

- A highly controversial and maybe crazy thought: As a last resort, you might try to reawaken his sex drive by getting him to have sex with someone else. An escort could work, since you don't want someone who might actually get emotionally attached to him. This has great potential to be very counter-productive (as well as some legal and disease risk), so only do it if you're going to leave him otherwise, and probably not even then.

Two other thoughts:

- This is implicit in my post above, but maybe not obvious. If you know (or assume) that he's not just asexual altogether, what you're really trying to do is not so much to replace his sleeping or TV watching with sex with you, but to replace his masturbation with sex with you.

- Think about what's different about you now, so far as he's concerned, vs. when you first met. The problem is, perhaps, buried somewhere in those differences. You're in a better position to analyze this than anyone else, but a few possibilities: availability, mystery and novelty (as in: currently there's more of the first, and less, if any, of the last two). Is there anything you can do to restore one or more of these, or something else, more to how it once was? Also: note that some of the common suggestions -- like prancing around naked in front of him -- are actually contraindicated by this analysis.


Posted: 06 Oct 21:34

The suggestion of saying "Just say look, I need you to be completely honest to me. Why is it that we don't have sex as much. I love having sex with you but it seems like for the past (x months) we have not been doing it as often. Whether it be something about me, or something about you, I want to know what it is that is driving you away from me physically."
is great & I plan on using it, however, I am about 98% sure he's going to say the same thing he says every time I bring this up, he's just tired. He won't see a dr. He says he's just exhausted. It pisses me off, because he continually gets the new penthouse letters & still masturbates, how often I don't know, but we haven't had sex in over 3 months and I'm dying!!
We've been together almost 8 years, and this is pretty much our only problem. There's got to be a way around it. But he's stubborn. What can I do? I miss being with him physically so much!


Posted: 06 Oct 21:34

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