Lotus Position


The standard variation of the Lotus family has the woman's feet planted behind the man, and consequently offers some of the better mobility in the group. That said, getting the hang of the lateral movement can be a little tricky, so make sure not to get discouraged to quickly. If you find the movement to be too difficult, we recommend for women to plant their hands on the man's legs, and to use their triceps to generate some lift.

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Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 912


Posted: 31 Mar 06:28

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 668

(Q*`p?qj) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:19

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 424

(DOCd1|7) Hello, I from Ukraine, I am looking for relocation options, if you want help me, here my photos and videos:HTTPS://ujeb.SE/VSuLZ9

Posted: 31 Mar 06:08

Char female 00 sandi7 a Hair sandi7 00 leyton 00 black
Reg: 22/03/31
Posts: 180


Posted: 31 Mar 05:56

Char female 00 meilin7 a Makeup meilin7 00 look 01 ec 02 Hair meilin7 00 topmodel 05 brown Clothes female 00 robe a 04
Reg: 19/02/23
Posts: 4

I want to try this

Posted: 11 Mar 04:10