WE are never taught actual techniques when it comes to sex. There is more information available on how to catch a football or swing a bat. The internet is some what helping in that respect. It i can be very hit or miss. There are workshops out there for people to learn. The problem is no woman or man wants to hear they are not good at a particular part of sex. For some reason we all believe that we are born with the ability to have great sex. My husband told me if you want a woman to stop giving you oral criticize her technique. I have found the same to true with men. I think what we need to do, is tell our partners EXACTLY what we like and what we don't like. Visual aids like good quality sex videos are helpful as well. The point is everyone likes different things, so talk tell your S/O what you like. It's your orgasm make it a good one.
Posted: 05 Oct 03:38