OK, regulars have seen this before and I am certain that some of the old posts are around. I am speaking medically and recognize that many will both try and enjoy anal sex. Please, please always use a condom.
Anal sex will always result in some damage and the best you can hope for in the long run is hemorrhoids. The anus is a one way valve. It is designed to allow stuff to pass out; it is not designed to admit anything. OK, I like anal play, especially while cunnilingus is being done for me. But finger tips are small and do not go deep. A penis stretches the skin and the muscles beyond what they are designed for. The vaginal walls are about forty cells deep; that is what gives the vagina such elasticity. The walls of the rectum are one cell thick and when stretched much, the cells separate. This is an open wound. The stuff passing through the anus outward bound is full of bacteria. Infection is often a result. Hemorrhoids are begun and too much stretching can result in "bowel control" problems in later life. It is simply too loose to seal.
Now for the man's urethra. Urethritis and prostatitis are a result of bacteria traveling up the urethra. More often than not, this is a result of entero-bacteria (they belong in the large intestine). They can get there by migrating in the shorts. Perhaps a wet fart or something gets them there. In anal sex, these bacteria are being crammed into the urethra and even a monster ejaculation will not get them all out.
Ok, if you like, your choice. Please use a condom for both of your sakes. (note I did not even mentions STDs; that could go on forever)
Posted: 05 Oct 01:18